Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Roadtripping time

Last week was road trip week :)
I had to go to Taranaki for the Womens Institute Arts and Craft Festival thing, so my friend Jo and I decided to make a road trip out of it.  

Jo bused down to me on Sunday, we hung out in Hastings and Napier for the first couple of days.  We hit a lot of opshops and of course we went to Jarks, how could we not hehe.  Then on Wednesday Cleo took us to New Plymouth, stopping at opshops along the way, and via Inglewood to see Aunty Susan and mum.

On Thursday mum and I had the Arts and Crafts thingy in Bell Block, I had a few entries, all in the sewing, knitting/crochet and general crafts sections.  At this stage I don't enter in the photography, cooking or gardening stuff but maybe that will change one day.  Am happy with what placings I got.  Considering I was juggling work, study, theatre, Lions, 2 book clubs and friends I think I did pretty well :)

On Thursday night we caught up with some of my Taranaki friends at India Today, it's still as good as I remember which was awesome.  It was wonderful seeing them all there, and awesome catching up with all my old friends.  I don't get to see them all that much which is a bit sad, but I wouldn't move back there as I love my life in HB.  Haha Mother Nature agreed with me as she made it wet and blah for the whole visit, which I choose to believe is her reminding me I don't want to live there again lol.

On Friday morning we headed north via Mt Taranaki.  To begin with Mt Taranaki was being all shy, but after a cuppa and some cake he very quickly showed most of himself to us :) yay, thanks Mt Taranaki.
After the Mountain side trip we continued up north to Auckland (sorry all you Aucklanders, it was a flying trip so didn't hit any of you up).  We stopped at the Piopio opshop, cos we could and it was open for a change (I normally am not going through on a weekday).  We also stopped at the big apple, but it was locked :( that was sad as I was hoping that we could climb it, just cos of course.

Saturday was Auckland day, we were hoping to go to Waiheke Island but it turns out that everyone else was planning to do the same.  We didn't get on 3 ferry's so we decided to save our tickets (they last for a year) and we went to a movie instead.  We went to see Girls Can't Surf, if you like sports documentaries I highly recommend watching it.  It was brilliant.

Sunday I headed home, after a yum yum cooked breakfast - thanks Jo :)

And then it was Monday and back to the real world of work.... yay......

My placings, on the entries that got some

Shhh this technically got 3rd

I got one other 3rd but the photo is rather blurry, my hands weren't in fine form last week and blurred a few photos.

Other random photos from our road trip

Awww I always suspected that it did :) xxx

Mt Taranaki when we arrived....

... and then he cleared (mostly) for us

The random big apple

I just liked this, with the clouds in the buildings windows and the tree :)

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