Monday, May 3, 2021

It just takes a moment

Before you read the following I just want to say sorry to everyone that loves me, sorry that I am posting this and therefore you are reading it and maybe worrying about me.  But I think the world often forgets how being a single female in it is not always a fun thing to be.  So this is just a reminder to the world, and to people that don't always remember that.

Sometimes it just takes a moment, a single moment, as small as a minute or two, to change how someone feels about something.  In this case that something would be my walk to and from work, and that moment happened this afternoon on my way home.

I was walking home from work, it wasn't dark yet (it was about 4:50ish) so almost dusk but definitely not dark, when a car that was coming towards me did a u-turn behind me and pulled up alongside me.  Inside was a gang member and one very nasty looking and sounding dog.  The gang member wanted to know if I wanted to buy some dope, I politely said no.  He then offered me some other drugs, some I've heard of some I hadn't.  I politely said no each time.  I also tried to leave each time and he would just inch forward as I moved.  I wondered if I was going to be allowed to get away when he said something along the lines of - I know you are single, why don't you get in and we can have some fun.  Now I am assuming that he was guessing I am single, that he has no idea if I am or not (and I will stay thinking this cos the other option is way too scary).  I know some people say you should never lie and that there is never a case where you should, however I am not of that mindset so I had no qualms saying something along the lines of - I'm not single, I'm just walking home to my boyfriend's and he is expecting me.  

Just to confirm I am ok, so you don't need to worry about that, however my walk to and from work is likely to be a thing of the past now.  I know it was probably a one off thing, and won't happen again, but as a single female (or even just a female) it is a stupid risk to take when I have other options.  So yeah, thanks dickhead, thanks for that small moment which made the rest of my walk home rather nerve wracked and ruining all future ones for at least the next wee while for me.

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