Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Fun-Day Part Two

So Bridie and I continued our fun day of exploring Taranaki this afternoon.  We were planning to do the Stony River Walkway but decided it was far far far far far far far too hot (Bridie, I imagine, would only have one or two far's in there though lol) so we are going to have a part three at some stage to finally get it done haha.

Instead we went to the Cape Egmont Lighthouse, pretty much just to take photos.  Sadly there was no mountain but there were some cows me and Missie had a chat to.  We then headed to Opunake to get ice creams and see the Cliff Top Garden which was a pretty cool garden :) had some lovely views as well.  It is part of a coastal walkway but far too hot to do the whole thing.

On the way home we visited Rahotu Cemetery, mostly cos we saw a sign saying cemetery and it was an afternoon of exploring so we thought why not.  It was a lovely small cemetery with some old as and some rather new burials.  We even found a Fleming for Bridie, haha no Millers though cos we don't come from round here.

Cape Egmont Lighthouse

 Opunake Beach and the Cliff Top Garden part of the walkway (plus a bridge hehe)

Rahotu Cemetery

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