Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Friday's tramp

Ok so you may think I'm way behind on my updating cos Friday was ages ago but in my defence its still technically the same weekend so I'm not really that slack :p And if you really care then stop reading my blog!

On Friday Doffy and I went for a wander on the mountain, I know it was on the mountain cos there were a ton of steps and it was ridiculous.  Dof really needs to start using is dad-veto-power when I have a dumb idea which I so often do, and its never till we are walking does he comment on how doing it the other direction would be easier or such like.  So yeah really its his fault we had all those steps to climb, not mine at all.  We parked Spartz at Kaiauai Carpark and then walked to Mangorei Road via Henry and Maude.  Henry is still a bit of a dick to be honest, you'd think in all this time he could have gone and got shorter or built himself an escalator or something, surely that is not too much to ask!  Was a pretty cool walk, if you discount the endless steps that is :)

Coming down Mangorei Track I am positive there was a sign at the bottom that told guys to remove their shirts, we passed so many topless guys it was actually a lil weird, and some of them really should not have been topless - you cannot un-see that.  But when they are old and all skin wrinkly and gross haha to them lol.

Anyhow here are some pics, am sure thats all you dudes read this for anyhow, not my awesome as chatter :( lol

Missie found my cookies...

...and looks so proud lol

Hard to see Missie and Smyly but they are there

Made it to the top of Henry Peak

And so did Doffy

Just appreciating the view from Henry

Still on Henry...

No wait made it to the tarns for a crocked photo

Dad on Pouakai Plateau 

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