Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday Funday Part Three

This morning Spartz, Missie and I went for an explore.

Missie and I started doing the Stony River Walk but didn't complete it for a couple reasons.
1. It was not what we were expecting, it was mostly walking over farmland and we didn't feel that safe doing it by ourselves, and
2. My feet were soaking within a few minutes, even with semi waterproof tramping boots on.
We did still get some cool pics so we decided it wasn't a wasted effort.

Then I showed Missie the seat that I built and she was pretty proud of me for my efforts :) and before you ask, no I didn't install it I just built it in the workshop at work while the Hard Landscape dudes watched (apparently they don't normally get chicks building stuff in their workshop).

We also took Spartz to the beach, and he agreed with us that while the view is cool there is not much to do at a beach so its kinda overrated hehe.

We finished the morning off at the Tea House with Bridie, who we went and collected for coffee :)

Stony River Walk

This is the seat that Jill built... lol

 The beach, because we could :)


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