Monday, March 7, 2016

Pendeford and Wolverhampton

Our team at work is split over two sites, one in Edinburgh (where I am in case you'd forgotten) and the other in Pendeford which is near Wolverhampton. As we are one team sometimes a few of them come up to see us for a couple days and sometimes a few of us go down to see them. Obviously you still work while you're in the other office (sadly lol) and last week I got to go down there for a couple days :) it's a long way though (3.5 hours by train) for just one night but was still fun. Missie came with me cos she reckoned I was just trying to get out of taking her somewhere when I said it was for work, she now agrees that my work is real boring. She did however comment that work gives us much nicer accomodation than I've ever forked out for. Not sure this is a good thing as she now knows what a real nice hotel is like, hope she don't start expecting it all the time. 

We stayed in Wolverhampton which is the city close to Pendeford and went to a real nice Italian place (Bella) for dinner, I had amazingly yum spag bol and then we went round the corner to a pub (on Gary's recommendation) as it has a tree in the men's toilets that we all apparently had to see. It's pretty random actually, the toilet is outside and there is a tree it has been built around. I did learn that I have completely different standards to Ashley and Jackie (Scott was also there if you was wondering how many of us there was, us 4 went down and Gary was already down there but came back up with us), as they thought the pub and esp the toilet was scummy (they didn't use that word tho) and I thought it was just like a normal lil pub. Apparently I'm giving them all a diff idea of NZ to what they thought cos they had all just seen the nice as scenery pics and fancy places to stay and thought the whole place was like that, lol silly ppl. 

On the Thursday (we went down on the Wednesday back on the Thursday) Jackie and I explored around work at lunch, there wasn't much there as it is in a business park so basically just that one building. We did find some nice trees and a lake thing though. Oh and there is the most random statue outside the entrance which still cracks me up when I think about it lol. The train ride home was long as we had been at work since 8.30ish that morning and weren't getting into Edinburgh till 8.15 that evening, but we passed the time with food and drink and chat :) 

Chilling at hotel 

The tree in the men's toilet 

The random as statue outside work 

Other random stuff around the building 

Someone is ready for the long trip home...

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