Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Edinburgh Castle

So last weekend, 6th March to be exact, Salome, Missie and I went and checked out Edinburgh Castle. Turns out there is more up there than any of us thought there was so it was actually quite fun. Very cold and windy though, think that has something to do with it being on a hill and all. There were a few different museums, a big as war memorial (gets called big as cos it was in its own building), a great hall thing, many gift shops, a few diff cannons, replica rooms of now dead royal people and the Scottish Crown Jewels. Have no photos of those cos not allowed but they would look incredible on me, just saying hehe, so now all I gots to do is find me a Scottish prince or king or something :) 

Anyhow here is some pics :) 

Some of the views from the castle

Missie keeping warm

Turns out Missie likes big guns :)

The 1 o'clock gun, which don't fire on a Sunday it turns out :(

Missie made some friends...

Then she got us put in jail

Luckily we got out, phew, then found the Great Hall

Missie then found a gun she didn't wanna mess with...

And we also found a cemetery 

And just if you was wondering here is proof Salome was there and I got outta jail :)

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