Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Edinburgh Zoo

Jo, Missie and I went to Edinburgh Zoo today, mostly to see the penguin parade and the penguins but there were also other animals we obviously had to check out, such as the koalas, pandas, lions and tiger. We also saw the sun bear, zebras, kunekune pigs, rhino, snowy white owl, some other random pigs, spoke Aussie to some wallabies, pelicans and meerkats. Think that's about it. We obviously wandered past more animals but didn't really stop and chat to them. 

Missie very quickly decided that she isn't a big zoo fan, she said it was cold and windy and watching animals but not being able to sit on them and pose for photos was boring so she kept warm in my bag with my beanie (am beginning to think she is not a very Scottish bear). 

The penguins were awesome as and they have a daily parade where whichever penguins feel like it can leave the enclosure and waddle out with the public on the parade route then back to the enclosure, they are not forced to do it which is cool. Today only Mr Green felt inclined to go on the wander which was fine, and he totally rocked it :) 

The pandas were cool, the male was sleeping and the female came out to eat while we were there. The male was having a wicked good dream we decided cos he was twitching his ears and nose loads and looked happy as :) he rolled over while we were watching and then his paws started twitching to which was super cute :) 

The rhino was a dick, when we looked for him inside he was outside, we went outside and he decided to go inside, we went inside he went back outside, we went outside and he walked up around the corner to the part of enclosure we couldn't see, yup total dick lol. 

The koalas were all sleeping which was normal but still disappointing. The kunekune pigs were way down the bottom of their paddock so also a lil boring and disappointing. 

The lions were just chilling, knowing they were adorable (in a big cat way) and kept looking up to the viewing platform to make sure we all knew they were adorable. The tiger was just pacing at the top of his enclosure but he looked incredible so I forgave him for being antisocial. 

The wallabies ignored our awesome Aussie accents and just sat there being boring, silly wallabies. They did twitch their ears when I told them their rugby team sucked hehe. 

The sun bear was actually pretty cool, at the wrong end of the enclosure and kinda pacing as well but still cool. 

We then decided it was cuppa tea time and we decided to check on the penguins again to make sure they were all good before we headed home :) 

Overall a very good afternoon and the zoo was def worth the visit :)

If you are wondering why I had a Monday off to go to the zoo it's cos I've got this week off work :) so yup there is likely to be a few updates as have a few things planned :)

Pics - no particular order and in no way near all the ones I took (esp when it comes to the penguins hehe)

Mr Green on penguin parade 

View of city and Pentlands and zebras

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