Saturday, February 20, 2016

Bread Meats Bread

So I finally got around to trying Bread Meats Bread on Thursday, it opened up late last year and I had been hearing good things about it but until recently I hadn't been sure if they did GF or not, like most places over here they do not state on a menu what is GF they just have the ask the staff blah blah disclaimer at the bottom of a menu. Then a GF friend told me it was worth a trip and Jo had already been and loved it so we went there for dinner on Thursday evening. It was real busy and we had to wait a while to get a table but trust me the wait was worth it. So so good, like really really so so good :)

I had a burger that was beef and some meat that is incredible but I can't spell or pronounce and cheese, and obviously chips. The bun being GF was smaller than normal buns but that didn't stop them from filling it with a normal amount of fillings so it was spilling over and I got to make a nice mess of me and the plate while eating it :) yup my fav kind of meal hehe

Am def heading back to try more of the burgers they have. And the chips were real good, and you can also get the chips with cheese and bacon so might just go back and get loads of chips one day cos the sweet potato chips also looked incredible.

And because I am me and rules are just rules and not set in stone or anything Bread Meats Bread are getting a 3.5+ outta 5 :) 

Rankings are as follows:
1. Bread Meats Bread
2. The Southern
3. Handmade Burger Co.
4. Holyrood 9A
5. Burger. 

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