Monday, February 8, 2016

Handmade Burger Co.

Missy just reminded me that I never posted about the Handmade Burger Co. in Aberdeen, naughty me.  Now you may be wondering why they are included in the The Great Edinburgh Gluten Free Burger Hunt when I had it in Aberdeen... well they are a chain and have a restaurant in Edinburgh, its just in the Ocean Terminal which is forever away from where I live so haven't made it there yet. Although after going to them I am thinking it might be worth a mission down there to have it again.

There are no photos cos I was one too hungry and two too excited when the food arrived to take any.  The exciting part was that my dinner came out as a build your own burger :) the bun as wrapped so that I would know it hadn't been cross contaminated and was in a nice lil gf burger bun wrapper, then the hot food part of the burger was stacked in a pile as was the cold part of the burger and the sauce/dressing thing was to the side.  So much fun making my own burger and the bun and everything tasted incredible so it def gets a high rating with me :) and they had bottomless cups of coke which is also cool :)
I am giving the Handmade Burger Co. a 3.5 out of 5, not quite as good as the black harp (its all in the coleslaw they include in their burgers which is why no one has got the same as them, just if you was wondering)

So the rankings now are:
1. The Southern
2. Handmade Burger Co.
3. Holyrood 9A
4. Burger.

If you are wondering how The Southern jumped to the top, we went there for Burger and Beer (Cider for me) for breakfast yesterday (we being me, Jo and Ben) and they have some burgers on the gluten free which are not available on the normal menu and the one I had was amazing as :) 

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