Saturday, May 16, 2015

One chapter done, next about to start

The current chapter of my story is almost over, just a drive to Auckland and a last catch up with a couple mates then it's intermission time while I fly to the UK for the next chapter. Am super excited but a lil sad at all the goodbyes that I've had to say. 

What is real crazy is how little I am taking with me. For someone who likes to horde and have a bunch of choices this sure is going to be interesting. Lol Bridie is not impressed I have 6 hoodies but they fitted and they are all ones I need and love and couldn't leave behind haha. Only got 2 pairs of pants but hey who needs to have options with them :) hehe

I will keep you all posted with how things are going, obviously :) 
Remember to take care of yourself, I expect hugs from you all when I get back in a few years :) 

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