Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A lil bit of nothing much

I have been enjoying this thing called not working a lot. Not sure I want a job again really but seeing as I don't have a thing called mum and dads to go crash at when I run out of money I guess I need one eventually :( man being a grown up can suck sometimes lol. 

Have explored a lil and read a lot. Finished the first game of thrones book on Monday morning and have already read two other books (it's Tuesday evening now hehe), work definitely has been getting in the way of me doing what I love :) 

Went to Manchester on Thursday with Zan. We went to quite a few cool places like the MOSI (museum of science and industry) which is where her and Noel got married, it's a very cool place with a train and heaps of other fun stuff. Then we went to a old as library, The John Rylands Library, also mega cool and has books that are way old, and some cool old jewelry as well. We then shopped for a bit and wandered to the town hall (photo below) and the Central Library that has a reading room which reminded me of the Council Chambers (lol) and a awesome music library, there were books and CDs and DVDs and sheet music you could borrow and a couple pianos you could play in the library :)
We then met her cousin and went for dinner at a place called Tea 4/2 and I could eat everything on the menu (actually could order anything including any dessert). Zan and I ended up having the 5 course dinner as it was only £25, so much food and all of it super yum. We basically rolled to the train station to get home hehe. 

On Friday we went to Sheffield to have a look around, I plan to go back there this week to go shopping and get some photos of the old church, though to be honest the old buildings are already losing some of their awesomeness as am seeing so many. 

Saturday was Eurovision lol we had a BBQ then opened the alcohol to sit back and enjoy the craziness that is Eurovision. I am def a fan and my fav song won (Sweden) so I'm happy :)

Today Noel, his mum (who is visiting for a couple of days) and I went to Chatsworth to go for a walk through the grounds and see the house. The house is massive and gorgeous as and was the star (Pemberley aka Mr Darcy's house) in Pride and Prejudice, unfortunately not in my P&P but in the movie version starring Keira Knightly but still Pemberley is Pemberley :)

Manchester Town Hall

My dessert at Tea 4/2 - double chocolate something with caramel popcorn on top :)

Photos of Chatsworth House and grounds

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