Thursday, May 21, 2015


I went out exploring the local town of Dronfield this morning. A few things that I noticed was that there were no verandahs over the shops, this I had been warned about but it still seemed strange. Was kinda hard to tell what shop was what as well as most did not have anything outside on display and you had to peer in the windows to have a look. Also there doesn't seem to be any old dunger cars, not sure if it's the area I'm in or what but here Sparts would not fit in :( and to me he's a pretty awesome car, prob the nicest I've owned lol. Plus all the houses look the same, am very glad I have a good sense of direction else I think it would be easy to get lost. Noel said that you wouldn't be able to get a mortgage to build a wooden house here when I asked why they were all brick, it seems weird to me but to him a wooden house seemed strange. 

Went to one of the supermarkets and almost jumped for joy when I saw the gluten free range, haha that alone almost makes me never want to go back to NZ but I know I'll miss it soon enough so will be back. Bought me a couple of chocolate cupcakes and they were pretty much inhaled they tasted that good :)

Got me a UK SIM card for my phone and it works so no need for me to spend money on a UK phone which I'm glad about. And yes when I went to buy a top up voucher I asked for a $20 one not a £20 one lol. The guy serving me was nice about it and just smiled and corrected me lol :)

Checked out some second hand shops as well, so tempting to buy a bunch of new clothes and books and DVDs but then I remembered that I have to still travel and find a job so I left all the cool stuff behind :( am tempted to go back and get one dress if it's still there tho, it's a purple maxi dress that I am sure I would look amazing in :) hehe

This here's the Dronfield Library, a very nice library inside as well, small and cosy with very friendly staff

I also had a wander around the Parish Church of St John the Baptist, it was old and so pretty and random having so many graves that appeared to have no real order to them. The following photos are of the church and grounds. 

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