Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some important things to note:

First and in my opinion most important, it came to my attention the other day that Dofus is getting too close to turning 60 so he has been re-aged (as it is possible to do in my world and since I live in my world it has been done). He is now 48, turning 49 next year, which makes Mum the older of the two. In a few years she may be re-aged as well but at the moment she is not that old (54 is hardly 60 now is it).

Brudda’s home!!!

Started my new job (at NPDC for all you who didn’t know, working down in the dungeon in Admin/Project Team. Am working with Building Consents) on Monday, and so far it is pretty good. Got fun people working around me. The work, I think, could become pretty tedious, well I thought that on the first day but it turns out it probably wont as there is lots that I get to do, like stationary deliveries every Tuesday.

It is once again almost Christmas (have you also noticed that), and just to let everyone know so no one asks or expects one, I aint gonna do Christmas cards this year so apologies if you wanted one. Feel free to sign one to yourself and put my name at the bottom if you really want one :)

If any one has any connections that could help with my new improbable goal in life feel free to help me out. I want to race Rick Kelly at Pukekohe in a NZV8 car. I plan on winning but just racing Little Kelly would be enough I think. So if you have a couple spare (or even just one) NZV8’s lying round at home or Little Kelly’s phone number would be neat if you could help me out :)

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