Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'Rain in my brain again, and everything is strange'

Like normal nothing much has happened since I last wrote, but shall update just incase something comes up that I had forgotten about and managed to remember while I type.

Guess the most major thing that has happened is that I start work on Monday. Am going back to Briscoes Homeware (Debbie has been nice enough to give me job until I find a full-time one). Part if me is looking forward to going back, especially as it means will see my mates there more often and it will give me something to do with at least some of my days. Part of me is not looking forward to going back, the part that remembers that customers are very often wrong and rude but of course you cant tell them that.

In less major but still interesting news, went on a steam train trip on Saturday. From New Plymouth to Hawera and back again. Was a very good trip down, on the way back there were a few dramas. Stopped at Stratford to pick up a bus load of passengers but ended up waiting two hours for them as their bus broke down.
Then when we finally got under way again, just outside of Stratford we hit a bull and had to stop again while they mended the damage done to the brakes on the train. At least the bull didn’t derail us, the cow stopper did its job. When we got to Inglewood and stopped for afternoon tea I got off, no point going to NP just to come back to Inglewood again.

In probably pointless news to you but matters to me as it is weird, my radio seems to be tuned into ZM these days not The Rock. Weird huh? Think its cos the songs on ZM are not the same as the ones playing when I left yet on The Rock they are. How dumb is that, I was gone for four months, there should be more songs that I have not heard before than there are on that station. They say change is good.

Sad and Big news, I cleaned out my teddy bears. Decided that I had too many to love properly and there are kids out there with none to love and since it is coming up to Christmas I could possibly make some kids happy so I sorted out my teds, and took the ones that didn’t have a special meaning to me to the Salvation Army. They were very thankful for them. Took around 50, which means that I am down to 40 something (including the ones that I am babysitting for Richard and Dad). Impressive huh?

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