Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are you a winner...

JB Times Awards:

Quiz -
Most Amusing: Mum ~ purely because she is adamant that she got the last question correct when she didn’t.
Hephaistion is the correct answer for what I am going to my Rottweiler. Mother the answer that you put (Bartholamew) was what I am going to call my Lab. For those that are curious my Husky is going to be called Zanzibar.
Most Helpful: Richard ~ thank you for putting your guessing in a different color to the answers that you ‘knew’ that answers to. Very good.
Most Correct (apparently): Dofus ~ and I quote ‘I’m always right you gotta mark my answer as correct’

Riddle Fun -
Apparently nobody trusts hotels, that is what I learnt from this section. Also Richard and Dad think that Mum’s heavenly room is a mushroom (or is it that Mum thinks a mushroom is a heavenly room???)
Prizes for all as you all attempted this section, but no one got all right, cept me J

Logos and Catchphrases -
Most Correct: Richard
Most Amusing Answer: Mum – number 5, love the answer.
Most Bizarre Answers: Dofus.

Overall Winner: Dofus. Congrats J

If you wondering why there are only three people in the awards it is because only three people entered. Not so impressive, I gave you guys plenty of time to answer the questions and send them in.

Prizes are on the way...

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