Monday, November 30, 2009

In The Blood - Adrian Phoenix

Have you ever read a book so good that you wanted to do nothing but read but also did not want to read it (and not because you didn't want it to end but because had fallen in love with the characters and you knew something bad was going to happen but by not reading maybe it wouldn't)?

In The Blood was like that for me. I knew something was going to happen to Dante and possibly Heather, Von and Lucien and I knew it was going to be bad. Figured that if I didn't read anymore then they would stay safe. Well turns out I was no good at the not reading, book was just to good plus I figured that by the end of the book the bad stuff would have happened and they would be safe, well till the next book and then more/different bad might happen.


That is not unusual in life in general but for a book it kinda is. I was right that cad stuff would happen, it did. Was almost worse than what I thought was going to happen. Where I was wrong is that they are not ok. Dante is unconsious, Lucien is who knows (alive or dead we are not told), Heather and Von are ok (well alive and conscious). But they (Dante, Von and Heather) are in a car with a possible friend/possible enemy, we are not sure on that either. Now all I have to do is wait till the next book is released (Jan 2010 supposedly) in America where I have it on preorder through Amazon so it will be posted to me (cant find these books (other than the first one) in NZ for some reason).

Not fair, hurry up January!!!

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