Monday, November 30, 2009

In The Blood - Adrian Phoenix

Have you ever read a book so good that you wanted to do nothing but read but also did not want to read it (and not because you didn't want it to end but because had fallen in love with the characters and you knew something bad was going to happen but by not reading maybe it wouldn't)?

In The Blood was like that for me. I knew something was going to happen to Dante and possibly Heather, Von and Lucien and I knew it was going to be bad. Figured that if I didn't read anymore then they would stay safe. Well turns out I was no good at the not reading, book was just to good plus I figured that by the end of the book the bad stuff would have happened and they would be safe, well till the next book and then more/different bad might happen.


That is not unusual in life in general but for a book it kinda is. I was right that cad stuff would happen, it did. Was almost worse than what I thought was going to happen. Where I was wrong is that they are not ok. Dante is unconsious, Lucien is who knows (alive or dead we are not told), Heather and Von are ok (well alive and conscious). But they (Dante, Von and Heather) are in a car with a possible friend/possible enemy, we are not sure on that either. Now all I have to do is wait till the next book is released (Jan 2010 supposedly) in America where I have it on preorder through Amazon so it will be posted to me (cant find these books (other than the first one) in NZ for some reason).

Not fair, hurry up January!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some important things to note:

First and in my opinion most important, it came to my attention the other day that Dofus is getting too close to turning 60 so he has been re-aged (as it is possible to do in my world and since I live in my world it has been done). He is now 48, turning 49 next year, which makes Mum the older of the two. In a few years she may be re-aged as well but at the moment she is not that old (54 is hardly 60 now is it).

Brudda’s home!!!

Started my new job (at NPDC for all you who didn’t know, working down in the dungeon in Admin/Project Team. Am working with Building Consents) on Monday, and so far it is pretty good. Got fun people working around me. The work, I think, could become pretty tedious, well I thought that on the first day but it turns out it probably wont as there is lots that I get to do, like stationary deliveries every Tuesday.

It is once again almost Christmas (have you also noticed that), and just to let everyone know so no one asks or expects one, I aint gonna do Christmas cards this year so apologies if you wanted one. Feel free to sign one to yourself and put my name at the bottom if you really want one :)

If any one has any connections that could help with my new improbable goal in life feel free to help me out. I want to race Rick Kelly at Pukekohe in a NZV8 car. I plan on winning but just racing Little Kelly would be enough I think. So if you have a couple spare (or even just one) NZV8’s lying round at home or Little Kelly’s phone number would be neat if you could help me out :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are you a winner...

JB Times Awards:

Quiz -
Most Amusing: Mum ~ purely because she is adamant that she got the last question correct when she didn’t.
Hephaistion is the correct answer for what I am going to my Rottweiler. Mother the answer that you put (Bartholamew) was what I am going to call my Lab. For those that are curious my Husky is going to be called Zanzibar.
Most Helpful: Richard ~ thank you for putting your guessing in a different color to the answers that you ‘knew’ that answers to. Very good.
Most Correct (apparently): Dofus ~ and I quote ‘I’m always right you gotta mark my answer as correct’

Riddle Fun -
Apparently nobody trusts hotels, that is what I learnt from this section. Also Richard and Dad think that Mum’s heavenly room is a mushroom (or is it that Mum thinks a mushroom is a heavenly room???)
Prizes for all as you all attempted this section, but no one got all right, cept me J

Logos and Catchphrases -
Most Correct: Richard
Most Amusing Answer: Mum – number 5, love the answer.
Most Bizarre Answers: Dofus.

Overall Winner: Dofus. Congrats J

If you wondering why there are only three people in the awards it is because only three people entered. Not so impressive, I gave you guys plenty of time to answer the questions and send them in.

Prizes are on the way...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

'Rain in my brain again, and everything is strange'

Like normal nothing much has happened since I last wrote, but shall update just incase something comes up that I had forgotten about and managed to remember while I type.

Guess the most major thing that has happened is that I start work on Monday. Am going back to Briscoes Homeware (Debbie has been nice enough to give me job until I find a full-time one). Part if me is looking forward to going back, especially as it means will see my mates there more often and it will give me something to do with at least some of my days. Part of me is not looking forward to going back, the part that remembers that customers are very often wrong and rude but of course you cant tell them that.

In less major but still interesting news, went on a steam train trip on Saturday. From New Plymouth to Hawera and back again. Was a very good trip down, on the way back there were a few dramas. Stopped at Stratford to pick up a bus load of passengers but ended up waiting two hours for them as their bus broke down.
Then when we finally got under way again, just outside of Stratford we hit a bull and had to stop again while they mended the damage done to the brakes on the train. At least the bull didn’t derail us, the cow stopper did its job. When we got to Inglewood and stopped for afternoon tea I got off, no point going to NP just to come back to Inglewood again.

In probably pointless news to you but matters to me as it is weird, my radio seems to be tuned into ZM these days not The Rock. Weird huh? Think its cos the songs on ZM are not the same as the ones playing when I left yet on The Rock they are. How dumb is that, I was gone for four months, there should be more songs that I have not heard before than there are on that station. They say change is good.

Sad and Big news, I cleaned out my teddy bears. Decided that I had too many to love properly and there are kids out there with none to love and since it is coming up to Christmas I could possibly make some kids happy so I sorted out my teds, and took the ones that didn’t have a special meaning to me to the Salvation Army. They were very thankful for them. Took around 50, which means that I am down to 40 something (including the ones that I am babysitting for Richard and Dad). Impressive huh?