Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been a while but I ain't forgotten you :)

It's been a busy few weeks here at Sangam. We have just finished our two biggest events (have forgotten what I have already mentioned so some of this may be double upped), both over 60 people and both affected by Swine Flu although the first was affected worse than second - well more sudden anyhow. We had enough warning that it was going to affect some of the sessions so we planned ahead - good thing we did. We were meant to take the participants to the big festival happening in Pune for Ganesh (one of the Gods in Hinduism) but it was cancelled due to the flu thing going around. The festival was/is still being held just not the big city party that we wanted to go to. Tomorrow we are planing to go to the river as it is one of the last nights and some of the locals will be there emerging their Ganesh in the river. Some have already done this as it is a ten day festival. They do know how to party here :)
Check out what I got to do last event because of Swine Flu. Yes me and some of the participants got to build a path. Yay :)

Cant member what else I was going to say... Does that mean it is not important - no I don't think so, just means I'm getting too old. Don't worry Dofus not long to go...

Hopefully my next post wont be so long coming...
Wish me luck


Anonymous said...

Hi hi, that is a bit random. Where does the path lead to? Yaay, star moment walking past the camera. :) Hope you well and having fun.

Jilly said...

Hey path leads from the campsite to the toilet block.

Yeah am having fun here, got one more event to go and it does not seem like it is going to be as fun as the others, this one is a seminar. Hope you are having a good time too

Anonymous said...

Go path to the toilet. :) Are you going to be speaking at the seminar? Hmm, dont think am having as good a time as you are, but things are fine here.