Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Had a request for an update so here one is :)

Can't reme,ber the last time I wrote an update as such about what is going on here and stuff but here is one now which will count so yay!

Our last event finished a week or so ago, it was a Advocacy Seminar and was therefore not as fun as such as the other events but it was still fun in its own way. We had a little group (only 23 participants) from many different countries, and none from the UK. They were from Cananda, Denmark, Egypt, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Pakistan, Ukraine and I think that is it.
Because of the type of event most of the participants were here on scholorships which was kool for them but also kind of sad as that means that they do not get to travel afterwards. Easy for us though as we did not have to take any of the groups to the train station, and this was useful as we were taking the afternoon off.

During the days off after this event we went to Aamby Valley for a few days. This is the weirdest place ever. I think we decided that it was the Scottish HIghlands, but also a movie set or something similar. The tents that we stayed in looked just like tents from the outside, walk inside and instantly you are in a hotel style room with a fridge, tv, ac and a very comfy looking bed (boy was that a let down. It had perfect pillows and duvet but the worst materess ever, oh well still nice tent), it was just like how we had imagined the Harry Potter tents.

During this time the new volunteers arrived and we are currently training them to be us, but better. Training involves taking them on the tours that we take participants as they will need to be doing these and they need to buy their own Sari's and Punjabi's. We are taking them through the pre-event prep that needs to be done and the sessions that they will be helping run or running (this mostly is just showing them around the computer network so that they can find the information that they will need). We also have to show them the good places to go out at night (I know our job is so hard), this is because sometimes they will take participants and also if there is a night off participants will ask them. Similar reasons for why we have to take them shopping in the other good areas that we do not take the tours, so that when participants ask where there is good shopping or where they can get a good something they can answer these questions.

On Saturday we finally went to the Snake Park, have been wanting and meaning to since we got here and yet never managed to get there. As it is a rather long drive and can be hard to get a rickshaw Sayali arranged one for us (her dads friend) and this was great as it was a set rate and he was going to wait and take us home after we was done. Turns out he didnt have any other plans that day and was happy to take us around the Park and Zoo (which was next door), very good as we wouldve walked down many dead ends.
Both were really kool and we learnt that I could jump as far as a Small Deer and Manisha a Rabbit. Also we learnt that a sloth bear is super cute and fluffy and that Indian Big Cats take seista. Photos are coming.

Currently it is Dassera, and for this Grishma is fasting and also not wearing shoes for the duration (9 days). This I think sounds fun but Katey has forbidden me from doing a shoe fast, evil person :)
As with most, if not all, festivals here this is very community orientated. Over the road is our local neighbourhood Phulenagar and each night of the festival there is dandiya (Indian stick dancing). Last night we all went over and joined in. Boy is it a work out. I think we danced for at least half an hour without stopping. Sayali and Grishma live there and we taking part which is why we went (it is not polite to go and join in this sort of thing if you do not know anyone). Also many of the local guides were there and we all kinda know each other as they come to Sangam every Sunday afternoon for there meetings. They are coming to campfire on Thursday night which will be great.

Not this effects any of you much but Sayali has started college now, so she doesnt work here as much no more. She is one of the guides, and has been working with the Admin Team for most of monsoon while she was on break. She now works evenings and Sundays.

Not long left here now which is sad but exciting to. Just gotta get round to packing eventually....

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