Monday, September 28, 2009

Last day at Sangam

Yesterday was my last full day at Sangam and it was pretty good - once I got my packing sorted (thanks Kylie, she is posting me some stuff).
In the afternoon we performed Pooja on everything at Sangam. The reason for this is so that everything goes well and nothing breaks down or creates any trouble. We also did it on the safe to bring in more money. It was fun and by the end we got rather good at it. To start with we (all us vols) watched and the ladies and men did the pooja and slowly Aruna got us to do it (for places like the programme room as they are our computers and photocopier). Then Aruna left us to do our rooms ourselves (just the at the door to bless everything inside), Sayali came up with us to help but by then we was pretty good.

Got a few final packing things to do and then it is chill out till we leave. Gwen is coming to Mumbai with me as her flight is half an hour after mine. I am gettting some more Mehendi done so will be semi covered in it by the time I leave. Not sure if it will still be there when get home but Mum will vouch that it was pretty.

Am looking forward to coming home, and to Singapore holiday but don't want to leave here either. Guess that is life

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