Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Me again

Hey things are quiet here at the moment as we have a few days off and there is still not a lot of places open, rumor has it that they will be reopening on the 23rd, was the 20th but there have been more swine flu people so has been postponed. We have just finished our biggest event participant-wise (65, Sangam is meant to only book up to 55 so we was rather full and very busy), and the next event is not much smaller (62).

We have some new faces here as the CVPs are arriving. CVPs are part of the Community Volunteer Programme. They live here but work with a Community Partner instead of like me helping with the events and participants.

Yesterday Priyanka taught us (Gwen, Manisha and I) how to ride her scooter (it is a auto so not that hard at all), which was very fun and good to do something new for a change. We drove up and down the driveway, so there is no need to worry about me getting hit by any cars :)

Tomorrow I have no idea what we are going to do but we may go out for a coffee, coffee shops and bars are still open ~ strange enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is still lots of concern about swine flu over there? The madness seems to have toned down over here in NZ, thank goodness. Hows things there, hope you are well. :)