Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Swine Flu Update

Just incase you are following the Indian news and are wondering what is happening, or just wanna know how much this is affecting a Guiding World Centre here is an update.

Rickshaw drivers do not want to take us foriegners in their rickshaws as we may have swine flu which makes taking participants out hard. We are running a community action event which was going to be centred around the theme education, but the schools are closed due to swine flu. We were going to take the participants to the movies tomorrow night as the event is not what they signed up for no more so that was going to be a going out treat, but now all the cinemas and malls are closed due to swine flu.

There is talk that there is going to be a curfew impossed for everyone, one is already in place for resturants and bars - they have to be closed at 9pm as that is when they get real busy over here and crowded. There is also talk of if things get worse there will be an enforced lockdown...

Lets hope things get better, even if that just means that we get some much needed rain...

1 comment:

Swine Flu Britain said...

Experts are now claiming tamiflu should not be given to children as the harm it can do outweights the benefits.
