Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Went shopping today. Again. Guess what we will prob do a lot here....

Got my Punjabi dress (well the materiel, it is currently with the tailor and will be ready on Saturday so soon shall be able to put a photo of me wearing it up so that you guys can see what a Punjabi dress is).

Also got some bangles. Red and maroon ones to be worn together, they are plain and can be worn separately but look better together. Also got a patterned green set which looks very nice. In this part of India green bangles means you are married but I liked them lots so got anyhow. Who cares if I aint married, it's not like people don't stare anyway and what's one more reason...

Got a few other things as well, birthday present for someone and some stuff for me. And no even if you guess correctly whose present I bought I will not tell you :) Still gotta have some fun.

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