Monday, June 29, 2009

1st day of 1st event down

There are four very tired volunteers in Pune at the moment. Work started 8am and finished sometime after 10pm, cept for me who is on-call tonight and tomorrow night which means that I may end up working all night. Lets hope that does not happen. But boy was today fun. The participants that we have (from Norway, Scotland and USA) seem very nice and are enthusiastic which is what we want so that is good. Feet are especially tired.

Tomorrow is another very busy day. And tomorrow night we are going out to the cinema's to see a Bollywood movie with the participants. We are going to see New York ~ wouldn't have been first pick but it is the only one that is playing so we had no choice. Reviews are indicating that it will be very good so here's hoping.

Just chilling in the staff lounge at the moment, with Priya and Gwen. Off to bed in a few minutes though as feet are about to fall off.

Take care and Smyl plenty :) :) :)

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