Monday, June 22, 2009

Dont mess with pyshco animals!

Best advice you may ever get from India :)
There was a seriously pissed off crow here this morning. Anyone who went outside in the courtyard got attacked, and I do mean attacked. The crow dive bombed them. Was kinda funny when Aruna reminded us not to go out and then she did to talk on her cell and she got attacked. Then the crow tried to dive bomb Mandesh, so not wise of it. The two dogs were trotting beside him and they are very protective of him, he is the one person that I think both dogs love the most. They follow him everywhere, run after him and also chase down crows when they threaten him. Was rather funny to watch Lucky try catch the crow and then when he missed it (turns out a crow can fly out of the way of a dog. Who would have guessed...) Bubli decided that she may have better luck. Not really, she almost got dive bombed too. To not get attacked we went shopping. Still not used to it being so busy on a Sunday, busiest day of week over here it seems.

After the placid snake that just showed off its twirling and slizzering skills on Wednesday (turns out all those people that said there are snakes in India were not lying), we have had a fun week. Also saw first cockroach this morning. Only kinda big. Didnt fly, but then monsoon hasnt started yet so those ones might still be coming.

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