Friday, June 26, 2009

And they say plastic surgery aint bad for you...

OK so it will not come out as the main cause for Wacko Jacko's death but it had to play a part. No one can have that much unnecessary surgery and look that bad, then have a heart attack at 50 and the two not be related. Lets just hope that for his funeral etc they pick an earlier photo not a so recent one. The sad news is that he wont be coming to NZ anytime soon for a concert (not that he was likely to, but a girl can hope), then again maybe he will and his ghost may be a better performer as they don't run out of energy.

On a more positive note (unless your my ma for whom I'm sure this aint all that gooda news), it is possible to do Indian fashion in black. I have some very nice black Indian outfits now, am still looking for a nice sari but I'm sure that will come :)

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