Friday, October 24, 2008

So what you been up to?

Well so it is friday, not that that means much to me as work weekends, and it is also Labour Weekend, which also doesn't mean much to me as I work weekends (did I say that already...) and this one is no different. Although I am working there are a couple bonuses to this weekend, them being that get Monday off (paid, wahoo!) but most important Marianne and Mark are coming over, so not kool am working but then do enjoy work so its all good.

Not much planned for next few weeks other than work, and work a bit more. Am so very talented that I am working most days these next few weeks, and past few. Keep forgetting when looking in diary to not only check that am not working the day in question (for when asked by Dave or Jo) but also how many days that week and surrounding weeks I am working, so am working six days a week for a few weeks, cept next week cos am getting Monday off but still getting paid for six days, again Wahoo!

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