Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok so at work we have as a performance objective to write book reviews so thought I would post them here for you to read also. Some of them (teen book reviews) may appear on the library website as Amanda likes the new ones reviewed and I like reading them so it's a good system. Anyhow here's my first review:

Hamlet: A Novel, by John Marsden

Hamlet is trying to deal with his mother's remarriage shortly after his father's death when he his visited by the ghost of his father, who instructs Hamlet to avenge his murder. This story is well known as Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, which John Marsden has done a great job in converting to a novel.
Being a Shakepearian tragedy it is fulled with murder, insanity, lust and treason which all make for spectacular reading.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and even passed up a shopping trip as I couldn't put it down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How deeply involved such comments can be. What insight you blog person you.