Monday, October 13, 2008

Congrats to Lowndes and Wincup!!!

I watched Bathurst at my bruddas yesterday and Lowndes and Wincup won again for the 3rd year running, sadly Mr VanG crashed out, well his teamate did but same result - he not finish.

Anyway real reason for this post is Snooze buttons. Don't understand them. Brudda tried to explain them to me but still not get. If I wanna get up at 7 I set alarm (well not really cos I'd be awake, but lets pretend I would) for bout 2 minutes to and then when it goes off I would roll over pretend I could go back to sleep but knowing I cant and if I did I would feel groggy and terrible for the day I then get up. If I snoozed it I'd have to set it way earlier so I could snooze and snooze and still get up on time which means I would miss out on that extra straight through sleep. Unless ofcourse I was like my flatmate who snoozes his alarm so much that he always runs late for work (except the week that he was jetlaged and woke up at 5am so got to work early, bet they were shocked)

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