Friday, October 24, 2008

So what you been up to?

Well so it is friday, not that that means much to me as work weekends, and it is also Labour Weekend, which also doesn't mean much to me as I work weekends (did I say that already...) and this one is no different. Although I am working there are a couple bonuses to this weekend, them being that get Monday off (paid, wahoo!) but most important Marianne and Mark are coming over, so not kool am working but then do enjoy work so its all good.

Not much planned for next few weeks other than work, and work a bit more. Am so very talented that I am working most days these next few weeks, and past few. Keep forgetting when looking in diary to not only check that am not working the day in question (for when asked by Dave or Jo) but also how many days that week and surrounding weeks I am working, so am working six days a week for a few weeks, cept next week cos am getting Monday off but still getting paid for six days, again Wahoo!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok so at work we have as a performance objective to write book reviews so thought I would post them here for you to read also. Some of them (teen book reviews) may appear on the library website as Amanda likes the new ones reviewed and I like reading them so it's a good system. Anyhow here's my first review:

Hamlet: A Novel, by John Marsden

Hamlet is trying to deal with his mother's remarriage shortly after his father's death when he his visited by the ghost of his father, who instructs Hamlet to avenge his murder. This story is well known as Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, which John Marsden has done a great job in converting to a novel.
Being a Shakepearian tragedy it is fulled with murder, insanity, lust and treason which all make for spectacular reading.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and even passed up a shopping trip as I couldn't put it down.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Congrats to Lowndes and Wincup!!!

I watched Bathurst at my bruddas yesterday and Lowndes and Wincup won again for the 3rd year running, sadly Mr VanG crashed out, well his teamate did but same result - he not finish.

Anyway real reason for this post is Snooze buttons. Don't understand them. Brudda tried to explain them to me but still not get. If I wanna get up at 7 I set alarm (well not really cos I'd be awake, but lets pretend I would) for bout 2 minutes to and then when it goes off I would roll over pretend I could go back to sleep but knowing I cant and if I did I would feel groggy and terrible for the day I then get up. If I snoozed it I'd have to set it way earlier so I could snooze and snooze and still get up on time which means I would miss out on that extra straight through sleep. Unless ofcourse I was like my flatmate who snoozes his alarm so much that he always runs late for work (except the week that he was jetlaged and woke up at 5am so got to work early, bet they were shocked)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is it a bad thing if your teddy bears think you're crazy???

Well if you knew that I was working two jobs, that is no more, and if you didn't well you don't need to now. Last night was my last night at New World, and while I may miss the people I think that I wont really miss the job itself. There was always a reason that I said I would never work in a supermarket or fast food place, and that is back on methinks.

Thought would share some of the fascinating things that I have learnt in my time at New World.
  • Listerine is made in Australia (well all except one flavour which is made in Canada)
  • Handwash for the bathroom is located with soaps and toothpastes but handwash for kitchen hands is located with dishwashing liquid
  • Savlon and dettol cream is by feet cream and sunscreen, savlon and dettol liquid is with janola nad other cleaning products
  • Baby food smells like vomit if it is spilt on the floor (glass breaks when it is dropped, cans bounce)
  • After 8pm all bakery food with cream is half price (this doesn't include custard squares sadly)
  • And most disturbidly, along with the nit creams and shampoos there is a nit cream for pubic lice.

Now if you don't think that any of that is useful, well I never said it would be.

Oh and in reference to this post's title, not all my teds think I'm crazy. Glenny knows better (well knows better than to tell me he does) and Monty talks to much to think I might be. They are all good by the way. Brian and Betty watch my door with Russ's help and Seb is trying to keep the rest in line while letting Glenny think he is actually in charge. Surprisingly enough Mary is having better luck with EJ than Seb is. Honey loves hanging out with her big brothers and I think they all like the view much better than the one that they had at home.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sam and Mike it is

Have finally figured out what to call my twin boys. Want to call one after good and the other after evil, mainly as a social kinda experiment, as most girls that are called Angel seem to be anything but. First thought of Lucifer and Gabriel, but don't like the name Gab or Gabriel and Lucifer would know that he was the 'evil' one.

After some research have settled on Sam and Mike. Archangel Michael rankes higher than Gabriel, he is God's best man and also the Viceroy of Heaven (which is what Lucifer was before his little disagreement with God). And speaking of which, before that said disagreement Lucifer was Archangel Samael.

So Sam and Mike it is :)