Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Vinyl and a biplane

Finally got some vinyl for my kitchen and bathroom/laundry areas.  Was thinking for ages that it is just a stupid cost and not worth it, then something happened late-ish last year and I decided to go for it, can't member what it was now and it doesn't really matter.  I did have to wait about 3 and a bit months from accepting the quote to getting it laid which gave me time to think oh do I really need it, can I be bothered getting it.  But the part of me that doesn't like talking on the phone decided it was easier to go ahead with it than to call and try and cancel and gotta say its a good thing that part of me won out.  Didn't realise till it was there how awesome it would look and how much it would feel like such an improvement from carpet offcuts on concrete.  It's also rather surprising how quickly I have gotten used to it and now it feels like it was just always there lol.  As I am sure you will agree it looks pretty awesome :)

Now I know some of you think I am a tad spoiled... soooooo this next part might not help with that but just so you know in advance I am more than happy to be spoiled if it gets me things like this :D

A while back, not sure how long ago now, I asked Doffy (aka dad) if he would be able to make a biplane for Glenny, with room for Fishy to be the gunner at the back.  There were of course other requirements, as I am me and it wouldn't be a me request if it was totally simple lol.  And Dof has done an amazing job, and not only my bear loves it but so do I.  

In the pics Big Ted is the gunner, but right now he is on the couch with me and Little Ted is winging it as the gunner (he can't actually see over the walls so he is shooting blindly lol) and Smudge is wing-walking/'helping' Glenny pilot.

Bro is going to paint it for me at some stage, would say its cos he also loves me but is probably more cos I haven't really given him much of a choice lol.  Hey what can I say, I'm a little sister, its what we do hehe :)

note: sorry bout the bad lighting in the photos, I took them the night we put it together and haven't got round to taking any more, mostly cos have been either playing with it or chatting to Glenny instead lol.  The last photo is for size reference, obviously being for my bear it aint a tiny plane...

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