Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My hair is everywhere...

It's not even what I would call long yet but my hair is already getting everywhere, it's insane how much of it is apparently not on my head lol.  I had totally forgotten (as you do) what my hair is like when it is longer so it's been a bit of a surprise that it is getting into everything.  Even the brownies I made couple weeks back managed to get some hair in them, as have some dinners.... doesn't mean I am going to be cutting it again, cos I am growing it, but I may moan about it sometimes lol.

Anyhow this is a gluten free update for you all, cos I figure the world always needs good news and it is now at the definitely good news stage :) I know yay right.  I have been on the strict as gf diet for a couple months or more now, and while it is still tiresome and tedious at times it is proving to be worth it as I have been able to start running again (am up to 5km which I think is still not very far but I try to keep reminding myself its still a good effort lol) and I definitely have more energy at the end of a work day than I used to.  Total plus that :) Have even found that in wknds I am getting way more done than I used to be able to, and the amount of time to recover from doing something is less than it used to be.  Also a total perk, and def a reason to stick with the boring strict gf diet.

I think even my hands are improving, not in everything but I can def knit for longer than I could before and can sew for a decent period not pin then break then sew then break then overlock then break then pin etc.  Now can do pin sew overlock pin sew overlock repeat.  Not endlessly, still need breaks but the improvement is there.  Sadly driving is still not great, but I also don't have a steering wheel cover and used to need one of them before all the other stuff got bad.  Freddie is one of those cars, the ones with the weird sized steering wheels that you can't easily find a cover for, I do still love her though, so have ordered her a cover from overseas and hopefully this will help when it arrives (fingers crossed).

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