Friday, December 9, 2022

A surprise contestant in the HBGFF&CA

Our book group (the library one) went out for our Christmas dinner the other night and this is where the surprise contestant comes into the HBGFF&CA.  We went to The Loading Ramp which is a pub in Havelock North, and on their website is no menu and when you get there the menu doesn't list what is gluten free and what isn't so I had to go and ask, oh the effort I go to sometimes lol.  I was super tempted by the pizzas they had on offer, but then I thought hmmm prob won't be back here so why not get the gf fish and chips and add to the adventure, after all that is what it is all about really :)

So the gf fish and chips I got, and once again too much salad in my opinion.  Did I eat it all this time?  Ummm no cos Julie offered me a piece of her gf pizza pork belly pizza and pizza totally wins over salad every time :D hehe.  The fish was dry and meh, but the chips... oh wow the chips.  No idea what they did to them but Julie, Michelle and I all agreed they were next level and possibly magical.  So very delicious.  And there was a nice huge helping of them so def can't complain about that :)

Everyone agreed that the food was good and rather generous portions for us all.  There were a few doggy bags taken home, never a bad sign I don't think.  Though the service did leave something to be desired, Mya did have to go and tell them we were ready to order when they still hadn't come back and some of our drinks were almost gone.  We had also had to go and ask for a drinks menu as didn't get one at the table.  The lighting was rather dark, I think it was meant to be moody or atmospheric or something but it didn't really work for us.

Score time (remember all are out of 5, total out of 15):
Presentation and Service - 2 (sorry Loading Ramp)
Atmosphere and Drink Selection - 2 (sorry again)
Taste and Quantity - 4 (pretty purely on chips alone lol)
Total - 8

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The HB GF Fish & Chips Adventure continues

So in my last post I said it had been a busy couple weeks, and it was which is why this review is a little late in coming.  And please remember when you read it that the author is absolutely, totally, completely biased lol :)

The next place on my HB GF Fish & Chip Adventure was Jarks.  Mum, Bro and I went there last Saturday night for dinner and I thought why not get the Fish & Chips and continue my adventure with where I know will win (remember how I said the author is super biased.... well you were warned lol).  The surprise might come in that Jarks is not getting a perfect score though, I know I am as shocked as you are!!  And what did they do to deserve less than a perfect score I hear you ask, well it is only a small thing, and some people I am sure wouldn't mind (like dad for example) but for me it was a boo moment.  They gave me too much salad :O (ps that's a shocked face for those who don't know), it was like lots of lettuce and stuff, so they got some points deducted for that.  Ok so not many points, but hey who ever said this was a logical scoring system lol.  And yes I did eat all my salad, cos I'm a good girl.

Jarks' score (remember all are out of 5, total of 15) - 5 for presentation and service, 5 for atmosphere and drink selection, 4.75 for taste and quantity.  Total of 14.75

Again no photos as this was part of my holiday... and I also couldn't be bothered, I just wanted to tuck in hehe.

There are things growing in my vege garden

It has been a busy last few weeks for me.  I had last week of wandered up to Auckland to go see The Killers (a rock band for those wondering) with some friends, well 1 friend and one of his friends who I think is now my friend so I think I can say with some friends hehe.  It was a brilliant concert, so energetic and entertaining, and just awesome.  Thanks to Eoin's weirdness of needing to be there early, far to early in mine and Reece's minds, we were only a few rows back from the stage so could see pretty much everything without the big screens.  So guess its thanks Eoin for that lol.

After the concert I stuck around Auckland for a few days, went to the museum (also very good I felt), caught up with most of my Auckland rellies (thanks for making the time for me guys <3 much appreciated.  ps that is a heart, the weird symbol thing, if you weren't sure lol).  Did some shopping as well, got me some more jewellery cos I couldn't resist.

And then I trained to Hamilton on the Auckland to Hamilton train.  Highly recommend this by the way, if you get the chance.  Did some chilling in Hamilton, met up with mum there and then my Hamilton rellies as well (thanks to you guys too for making the time to see me <3 ).  

Then I headed home and you might think I would take it easy as it was a pretty busy holiday, well you would be wrong.  I was planning on taking it easy but then the show I am helping with at Aubyn Live (the theatre just down the road from my place) decided to have rehearsal on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Then I had book group on Thursday (I may've fudged a little in what I thought of the book as the author is in my book group so I was slightly more positive than I really felt lol.  Didn't lie though, so I don't think its bad, I just mentioned the bits I liked and glossed over the bits I didn't haha).  And then on Friday the show opened, and we also had shows ystdy and today.  It is going quite well I think :) its called Bah Humbug and is A Christmas Carol but as a musical, kinda.  Well there are musical numbers in it.  Some very catchy songs which I have had going round my head my nights while trying to go to sleep lol.

For those that don't know, Bro moved to Hastings a few weeks back.  I think this is cool, obviously lol.  Anyhow I have given over my vege garden to him and now there are plants in it, for the first time in ages, like years ages.  I do hope they grow well, and I love the fact that I don't have to weed cos that is the responsibility of the gardener I believe hehe.

Oh and for those wondering where the photos are of my trip away, they are not taken in the first place.  I decided to have a holiday where I took no photos and just paid attn to where I was and what was going on and what I was seeing instead of going oh take a photo of that and that and that.  And I only broke my plan once and that was to take a photo of the Spitfire in the museum for dad :) not a bad reason to break it I don't think hehe.

Anyhow hope the above all makes sense, I don't feel like proof reading it this time so if it doesn't just ask and I can clarify.  No nitpicking over typos/autocorrects or grammar issues though (unless it makes it un-understandable) cos that's just mean and I know you aren't mean else we wouldn't be friends :)