Sunday, September 29, 2019

10 years ago it was Singapore...

Well 10 years ago, around about this time, I was heading home from India and I met up with mum in Singapore for a weeks holiday of shopping and catching up.  Now a lot has happened in those 10 years, as I am sure you are aware, and both mine and mums circumstances are rather different yet we have still managed to get together for another shopping and catching up holiday, this time round it is in Palmerston North.

I know, not quite as fancy or exciting as Singapore, but we don't have to go through customs, we can buy as much as we want and stuff as big as we want as we don't have to pack it into suitcases, and we don't have to exchange any money, plus we know what food is gluten free cos everything is in English (so what that I wasn't eating gluten free in Singapore, that was just cos no one had been smart enough to figure out what was wrong then).  And ok, we are limited on what we buy cos we still aren't mega rich (dunno how come, I mean surely it's our turn by now.... lol), but that woulda been the same in Singapore.

Cleo also says she is much happier chatting with Feebe in the parking lot of our motel than she would be sitting all alone in the airport carpark, even if it is wet and cold here.  She likes that I can go out and say hi and check that she is ok, and she liked that someone commented on her Kidnappers logos as well, that made her feel real important.

The company is still pretty awesome here, as it would be wherever we are, but that is cos it's me and mum and we can't help being awesome :) hehe.  We have had a fun wknd of catching up and wandering round, and doing some shopping, neither of us has gone crazy spending but we have got some fun stuff and some stuff we have needed which is about all you can ask for when you go shopping.  And most impt we have got me and Ken some pressies for our fun videos :D next week should be a fun one hehe.

We are sadly heading back to reality tomorrow, but since I have some good cds lined up for Cleo it should be a good drive back and then I have Tuesday off as well so some time to chill at home, probably will procrastinate doing anything useful and just chill and be lazy but you never know, maybe I'll do something fun and exciting or atlst something productive.... don't hold your breath though lol

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