Sunday, September 29, 2019

10 years ago it was Singapore...

Well 10 years ago, around about this time, I was heading home from India and I met up with mum in Singapore for a weeks holiday of shopping and catching up.  Now a lot has happened in those 10 years, as I am sure you are aware, and both mine and mums circumstances are rather different yet we have still managed to get together for another shopping and catching up holiday, this time round it is in Palmerston North.

I know, not quite as fancy or exciting as Singapore, but we don't have to go through customs, we can buy as much as we want and stuff as big as we want as we don't have to pack it into suitcases, and we don't have to exchange any money, plus we know what food is gluten free cos everything is in English (so what that I wasn't eating gluten free in Singapore, that was just cos no one had been smart enough to figure out what was wrong then).  And ok, we are limited on what we buy cos we still aren't mega rich (dunno how come, I mean surely it's our turn by now.... lol), but that woulda been the same in Singapore.

Cleo also says she is much happier chatting with Feebe in the parking lot of our motel than she would be sitting all alone in the airport carpark, even if it is wet and cold here.  She likes that I can go out and say hi and check that she is ok, and she liked that someone commented on her Kidnappers logos as well, that made her feel real important.

The company is still pretty awesome here, as it would be wherever we are, but that is cos it's me and mum and we can't help being awesome :) hehe.  We have had a fun wknd of catching up and wandering round, and doing some shopping, neither of us has gone crazy spending but we have got some fun stuff and some stuff we have needed which is about all you can ask for when you go shopping.  And most impt we have got me and Ken some pressies for our fun videos :D next week should be a fun one hehe.

We are sadly heading back to reality tomorrow, but since I have some good cds lined up for Cleo it should be a good drive back and then I have Tuesday off as well so some time to chill at home, probably will procrastinate doing anything useful and just chill and be lazy but you never know, maybe I'll do something fun and exciting or atlst something productive.... don't hold your breath though lol

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Palmy through JBs lens

So I'm in Palmerston North this weekend for a CAMA Hui (Community Access Media Alliance Conference), yes work in the weekend but its fun meeting and getting to know all the other Access Station people.  I can say that they are all lovely and friendly people, and we are having a good time chatting and discussing stuff that we find is going well or brainstorming things that we struggle with and generally having a blast getting to know each other.  When I turned up ystdy turns out most of them know who I am from the videos we do on Facebook and Twitter, which did mean I didn't get told everyone's names but atlst they all were super welcoming.  Lol Jo from Planet FM (Auckland) was positive we had met before cos she has seen so many of the videos that she felt like she knew me already :)

I have found the time to wander round Palmy like a tourist with the main purpose to take pics and my aim with the wandering was to see the city as a newbie, not as someone who only comes here to shop and doesn't pay attention to the beautiful stuff around the place.  As per normal when a steeple can be seen in the distance my feet inevitably take me there, and I am never disappointed with the church under the steeple, though sometimes I am disappointed that the camera won't take a photo that does it justice.  Anyhow, below are photos from around Palmy, things that have captured my interest or intrigued me, or just made me stop and go woah cool :) some have captions/explanations, some don't, and yes I know that they are even grouped by location but tough, I am sure you will survive hehe.  

And here they are in no particular order....

Mum if you had just stayed at BNZ you coulda got yourself a camper :p lol

We went to Shed 23 last night for a meet and greet, it had a room with heaps of instruments that are to be played not just looked at.  Turns out I'm still horribly unmusical but I had fun, and many laughs :)

This is the street outside the hotel I'm staying at, so cool

If you saw this on the street, would you hopscotch it or just walk past?  I hopscotched both, of course :)

A very cool lady's toilet sign

This sign made me think of you Aunty Robyn :) no frogs were parked here though :( lol

Just liked this randomly placed small tree lol

Friday, September 13, 2019

An update in pictures

So this is an update for the past couple weeks or so, but in pictures, cos I can :)

Recently went to Otane and this gorgeous old church is on the way, had to stop of course and take some pics 

This is it not in black and white, love the red door

A nice old building on Otane, not much else there to be honest

Smudge and Hoot enjoying the sun on Te Mata while I went for a walk

Me and my boy heading off to Mangakino to see parents new place

My boy found a good location to keep an eye on everything easily 

We are a cosy team at work, and very quiet sometimes lol

Cat prints and a ball print on my new concrete path, I must be loved :) 

My new friend Felix who is hanging out in my bdrm under the cool cubby dad made by knocking out most the old linen cupboard to give my room more room

Have started on decorations for my beary Christmas tree, they are felt bears if you are wondering

My first ever egg apron, am very happy with how awesome it turned out, its for Samara for when she gets her chickens, the pockets are for eggs :)

Just a random thing I made with a frame dad built me, just gotta figure out where to hang it now

Hastings certainly knows how to turn it on in sunny weather

Do love that this is my home, its just so pretty sometimes