Friday, December 28, 2018

Fun with friends

Went home for Christmas, the Inglewood home that is. Was very nice and a chilled out break. Caught up with a couple friends and just chilled with family which was, as always, awesome. Watched some cricket, ate too much and went for a stroll on the hill, pretty standard stuff really.

Drove back home ystdy, the Hastings one, cheers to mum and dad for coming as far as Sanson with me so I didn't have to drive it all alone. Well technically dad and I went as far as Sanson together and mum went in her new car so that dad could get home again but that's a minor detail.
Found me a boyfriend along the way but I think he's not a keeper cos he's way too tall, would get a sore neck looking up at him all the time. Also found a pet for us, that one I think we'll keep cos he was real nice and chilled. We also stopped at a farm cos Willis E, who we picked up in Sanson from mum, claimed he hadn't been to one. Spartz also got in a pic at the farm cos he likes his pics and he was looking good so I couldn't resist.

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