Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hamilton Gardens

Today we went to Hamilton Gardens for the day, well for the morning and some of the afternoon.  Bro and I went for a wander around the place and it was pretty fun, he makes a good photographer hehe, and he's patient with my random demands.  He was probably laughing and/or eye-rolling on the inside but that doesn't bother me, cos I couldn't see it obviously hehe.  I even met a guy, he was pretty fun and did my photo-pose with me as well, totally cool aye :)

We played on the playground (got there early enough to avoid most kids hehe), and bro broke the seesaw!!! I know, so rude!  He made it go to the ground and then it wouldn't work.  Boo seesaw!  Then we continued to explore most the rest of the place, would say all the place but pretty sure there were bits we missed so most covers it better :)

And you might notice Missie didn't come along, yeah she wanted to hang with the boys (Glenny and Fishy) at the flat for the day, unsupervised.  She thought they would get up to more fun than we would, again how rude!

Once we had finished our wander and had read for a lil bit we ran into some family, strange that.  Had no idea they were going to be there, mostly cos mum didn't include me in any of the emails but who's laying blame.... lol.  Was a good day :)

Oh and yeah there are lots of photos this time but that is cos we had fun :) :) :)

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