Monday, November 13, 2017

4 tramps in 2 hours

Doffy and I went for a wander yesterday morning with Missie, Smiley and Sarg.  It was Sarg's first tramp, he wanted to come along as he was donating his savings to the Park (Sarg is a money box for those who haven't met him).  It was rather windy but we managed to stay nice and warm and not get blown away :) And yes we did 4 tramps in 2 hours cos we are so super fit hehe.  We did Connett Loop, Ngatoro Loop, Nature Walk and Veronica Loop hehe :)

We have been for a few tramps recently just not really taken photos, well dad has for his I think.  He goes more than me.

Otherwise life with me is same old same old, work - procrastinate - study, that about sums it up lol :)

Pretty sunset on Saturday night

Pics from Sunday's tramp (Missie is purple one, Smiley the yellow/orangey one, and Sarg the camo one)

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