Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas letter time :)

So it seems everyone else is summing up their years in a page or two and calling it a Christmas letter, mostly I think cos it comes with a Christmas card but it seems not a candy cane... not sure how this has happened and I'm guessing mine are just missing in the mail, right?

Anyhow I thought I would sum up my year on this wonderful thing called my blog for a few reasons:
1) so I don't have to share candy canes with any more people (already sharing enough with workmates)
2) so that I don't have to go and buy Christmas cards
3) so I don't have to pay postage on those Christmas cards I just went and brought
4) so it can be mega short without having loads of white space left on the piece of paper
5) and most important, so I can just stay lying on my bed with my coffee (the one that didn't just get spilled all over the bench and newspaper)

My year in numbers:
365 days
1 birthday - don't worry I'm just getting more awesome as I age hehe
4 papers passed (with almost flying colours)
1 paper left to do (which is halfway done)
3 less teeth
1 job got (pretty much cos I knew some people)
4 room rearrangements
1 head of way less hair
0 limbs lost or broken
5 years of being gluten free
1 forklift licence
1 plastic bench seat built
2 sporting injuries which are now mostly better
1st prize in sewing section of Institute Arts Show (haha Mum you got 2nd)
heaps of tramps, but not as many as Doffy
lots of time spent hanging with Brudda

Would say bring on 2018 but I'd kinda like to know a lil of what's in store for me so I know whether I need to stock up my alcohol or if I'll be sweet with what I have.  As bro, or my purple dice would say 'time will tell', really need to find this Time Dude, he has a lot to answer for....

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

It was a pretty good weekend

Ok so I know the wknd was a couple days ago now and I did fully mean to get this post up sooner but in my defence I was procrastinating doing the final edit on my assignment that is due tomorrow so turning on my computer for something other than Netflix was not really on my to-do list.  Assignment is all done and handed in now though so its all good :)

Anyhow, back to the wknd :) it was a pretty good one if I may say so.  Went for a tramp with Doffy on Saturday morning.  We went up above Humphries Castle cos you can get some cool pics from up there, and the mountain obliged us by not being all dumb and cloudy - thanks mountain :) Was a bit windy though which was a lil irritating but mostly cos I was worried my hat would fly off and I like that hat so it ended up being carried till we got back to being sheltered by trees.

Saturday afternoon was assignment and pottering and then in the evening I went and puppy-sat for a friend in town :) really was rather fun, way way better than babysitting.  Does help that Jemma is gorgeous and super loving, when she isn't moping cos her dad has gone out and left her that is.  (Jemma is a 2yr old Rottweiler by the way).  Oh and Skylah was there but she is more rodent than dog so didn't really count, she just needed hugs when she got too whiny.  Much more fun to play tug-of-war with Jemma to cheer her up, I would like to think I won some of the rounds but I'm not sure she would agree...

Sunday morning I went for a bike ride along the Coastal Walkway with another friend.  Turns out there are way more hills on the Coastal Walkway than you realise when you are walking, and some are quite steep, well atlst to someone who is not bike-riding fit they are.  I was very proud of myself though cos we went from Ngamotu Beach to the Velodrome and back and I didn't have to stop and walk at all, and also yesterday I wasn't sore or stiff so that is totally a bonus :) Was 20 odd kms for those that don't know the Coastal Walkway.

Sunday afternoon I procrastinated assignment, like I am very very good at.  Did do something useful with my time though, watched the final race of the Supercars - the series decider it turned out cos Saturdays race left two dudes still in the running to be the 2017 champ (ps I did also watch this one while playing tug-of-war on Saturday).  As per normal, when a Holden and Ford collide, it became rather contentious.  Though reading others comments on social media just makes me realise how sane and balanced I actually am :) shhhh all you people who disagree, its almost Christmas aka a time to be nice and let others live in their dream worlds :p hehe

Pics from Saturdays tramp
Us with our tramping buddies (Missie and Smyly)

In front of some random big rock face thing (yeah I know pic don't show it but camera wasn't big enough to get it all in and me lol)

Looking down from big rock face thing at Humphries Castle

Me and my Doffy

Found the Castle :) :) :)

Just chilling

Hi Doffy :)

Heading back down from Tahaurangi, realised don't have pic from here yet so took one :)

We definitely earned our post tramp snack

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hamilton Gardens

Today we went to Hamilton Gardens for the day, well for the morning and some of the afternoon.  Bro and I went for a wander around the place and it was pretty fun, he makes a good photographer hehe, and he's patient with my random demands.  He was probably laughing and/or eye-rolling on the inside but that doesn't bother me, cos I couldn't see it obviously hehe.  I even met a guy, he was pretty fun and did my photo-pose with me as well, totally cool aye :)

We played on the playground (got there early enough to avoid most kids hehe), and bro broke the seesaw!!! I know, so rude!  He made it go to the ground and then it wouldn't work.  Boo seesaw!  Then we continued to explore most the rest of the place, would say all the place but pretty sure there were bits we missed so most covers it better :)

And you might notice Missie didn't come along, yeah she wanted to hang with the boys (Glenny and Fishy) at the flat for the day, unsupervised.  She thought they would get up to more fun than we would, again how rude!

Once we had finished our wander and had read for a lil bit we ran into some family, strange that.  Had no idea they were going to be there, mostly cos mum didn't include me in any of the emails but who's laying blame.... lol.  Was a good day :)

Oh and yeah there are lots of photos this time but that is cos we had fun :) :) :)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Road trips and friends

On Tuesday after work I headed off to Ohakune to see Laura, it was a beautiful day for a drive and me and Glenny and Missie made the most of it by stopping to take photos and cranking the music loud :) NZ certainly knows how to put its best side forward sometimes :)

On Wednesday I spent most the day hanging with Laura and we chilled in Ohakune.  We had a lovely brunch at Utopia and then went for a walk to some waterfalls.  We wandered to the main one then Laura took me to one which her and a friend had recently found a spectacular view if you climb above it.  The view from above really was amazing and unlike the first waterfall there were no tourists there, it was so peaceful and amazing.

Am now chilling in Vegas (aka Rotorua for all you none-NZers reading this) with bro for a few days. I would love to say I am on holiday and today I still am but study does need to be done at some stage, pretty sure that is what tomorrow was invented for though hehe :) 

Pics from Tuesday's drive

Wednesday's Waterfall Walk

Monday, November 13, 2017

Editors note

Apologies to Smyly for misspelling his name. Please note all that it is Smyly not how I had it previously

4 tramps in 2 hours

Doffy and I went for a wander yesterday morning with Missie, Smiley and Sarg.  It was Sarg's first tramp, he wanted to come along as he was donating his savings to the Park (Sarg is a money box for those who haven't met him).  It was rather windy but we managed to stay nice and warm and not get blown away :) And yes we did 4 tramps in 2 hours cos we are so super fit hehe.  We did Connett Loop, Ngatoro Loop, Nature Walk and Veronica Loop hehe :)

We have been for a few tramps recently just not really taken photos, well dad has for his I think.  He goes more than me.

Otherwise life with me is same old same old, work - procrastinate - study, that about sums it up lol :)

Pretty sunset on Saturday night

Pics from Sunday's tramp (Missie is purple one, Smiley the yellow/orangey one, and Sarg the camo one)

Friday, October 13, 2017

Just a lil update

So I thought it was about time I said hi again, its been a while.

Study is going well, I am losing enthusiasm a bit but still managing to work my way through the required papers.  I have just submitted my last assignment for the paper I was working on so have a couple weeks off now before the next paper starts.  The next paper will be my last one required for a Level 5 diploma so woot woot to that :)

I have also clocked over my 5 years of being Gluten Free, still not sure I am a fan of it but seems its here to stay.  I am slowly getting better at not 'cheating' which is progress I guess :)

I am currently house sitting for someone at Council while him and his partner are in the States, it is going well and the two cats that are my housemates are very cute, most of the time.  Lucy isn't when she randomly attacks me, and Hank sure aint when he brings me 'gifts' which he is getting far to good at.  I have now had 3 in the past week, thankfully all dead but last nights one I had to wait for him to kill before I was willing to remove it so the day might come when a living gift appears.  That I am not looking forward too.

Other than the normal stuff (dentist taking my hard earned money, stupid cold that wont leave etc) I am doing pretty good and am just trucking along like normal.  So yeah, that's about it, ciao for now xxx

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Just the friend, no bear this time

So I went away for the wknd, and not with Missie (she stayed home and went for a tramp instead - thanks Doffy), I went with Bridie and Laura to the Fleming bach for Friday night then off to Turangi for massages on Saturday followed by Taupo for shopping and hot pools.  Then we headed to Ohakune for Saturday night and stayed at Laura and Teds.  First time for me seeing their place so was real glad got to stay there.

The wknd started on Friday morning with Bridie and I going to Stratford for brunch then heading to New Plymouth for me to get a pedicure and her a manicure.  Bridie got a pretty pink with one sparkly silver nail on each hand and I got sparkly toes with a silver and blue glitter :)
We then headed to National Park to pick up Laura and had a play and explore while we waited for her to finish work.  Although it was rather chilly we still managed to have a blast.

Saturday we had amazing massages in Turangi and wandered along the Tongariro River for a bit before heading to Taupo for lunch and shopping.  Lunch was at Dixie Browns (obviously (lol)) and then off to browse the shops we went.  None of us went overboard with shopping and were all actually very well behaved and sensible.  The hot pools were definitely a good end to the day, well the end before the drive back to Ohakune and dinner at The Cyprus Tree which, as always, was amazing.

Today we had a much needed sleep-in and then headed into Ohakune to play in the park and take photos and then off to brunch and to check out the new season snow gear, cos thats what you do :) Luckily for my bank balance I didn't see anything that was more awesome than what I already have so everything stayed in the shops.

On the way home Spartz achieved his mega milestone of 200,000 kms :) yes I got very excited :) :) :)
We also called in on the Flemings and the puppies in Wanganui as we went past, and always it was a catch up that was worth the stop.

Back to work and reality tomorrow, but suppose thats life aint it.

Mount Taranaki showing its splendor as we left

Playing around in National Park

Still having fun playing

Spartz felt left out so he got a photo too

Beautiful sunset

Morning coffee view from Fleming bach

Chilling along the Tongariro River

 Having fun in the park in Ohakune

Roadtrip fun :)