Sunday, September 18, 2016

Race for Life - Pretty Muddy 5k

This afternoon Zeena and I completed the Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k run. So much fun. 

We started with a random as warm up to pumping music and water pistols shooting us then we started the run. We soon found out that not only was there mud but there were also random fun challenges along the way. We had to piggyback each other, climb cargo nets, found our way through ropes and bounce along on space hoppers, plus obviously crawl and wade through mud while having mud thrown on us. The finish was an awesome slide into a pit of mud :) awesome awesome fun 

Waiting to start...

The before shot, we are nice and clean hehe

Happy muddy us

1 comment:

badad said...

That looks like a foto I've seen of a little girl who had been playing in 'coal puddles' at Pukemiro? trains.