Monday, September 5, 2016

Perth, the Scotland one

Went up to Perth for the day today, it's about 1hr 15 by train from Edinburgh for those that are wondering.

It was amazing weather so I was super happy about that. The town was smaller than I thought it was going to be, but there was some nice walks to do. Kinda wish I had known that though as I was wearing jeans and would have worn other pants if had known was going more than just town walking. 

First off we went for a walk around a nice park and found a cool bridge, then walked to the tourist information centre which is where I found out about the other cool walks. Then we walked to The Black Watch, it's a military museum which we didn't go into, we went for the Poppies Weeping Window exhibition which is a bunch of ceramic poppies coming down the wall of the Black Watch castle. Was pretty cool. 

Then we went for a walk along the River Tay which was not just a river walk but also a sculpture trail, some of the sculptures where just weird but some were pretty cool. After that we went up Kinnoull Hill, which is def where I wished I had worn something other than jeans. Also kind of wished I had my hiking boots not just sneakers, but was def glad I had decided against wearing my Chucks. Kinnoull Hill was awesome, we really loved the walk and just chilling there for a few hours. It was kinda like mini Pentlands, cos just one hill but there were trees on it so kinda also like home :) 

After Kinnoull Hill we went to a supermarket to get some lunch, picked up a salad cos was feeling healthy, a nice chicken and spelt salad. Do you know what spelt is?? I didn't till after I had eaten and started feeling all funny. Turns out spelt is hulled wheat :( still baffled as to why they can't just say that!!! Makes me think I should be that weirdo that sits and googles ingredients in the supermarket, not the idiot that eats something and googles it afterwards when she don't feel so great. 

After my attempt at being healthy that kinda backfired we wandered to the Perth Museum and Art Gallery, not much to see there cept the special exhibit on gaming which had a history of gaming machines :) so cool seeing N64 and PlayStation and xBox in a museum, well cool and a lil strange. 

After that we went for a wander down the shopping street, then saw a Morrisons which I've heard do a good range of gluten free (Morrisons is a supermarket), and wow they so do :) there were 5 whole bays of gluten free food for me to chose from, biscuits and cereal I had never even seen before :) totally made the trip worth it :) after spending way more than had been allocated for groceries this week (hehe) we wandered to the train station and headed home. 

First photo in Perth, just outta the train station 

At the cool park

The cool bridge 

St Johns Kirk

Random something outside St Johns Kirk

The Black Watch - Poppies Weeping Window

River Tay

Some sculptures along the River Tay

Technically a rubbish bin but also a sculpture 

Couple photos from River Tay wander I just like

Kinnoull Hill

Halfway up

At the top, farmland side

At the top, town side

Coffee break at the top :)

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