Friday, September 16, 2016

Pitlochry roadtrip

In the weekend just gone Salome and I rented a car headed up to Pitlochry area. On Saturday we drove up early so we could fit in the Pitlochry Highland Games and then a walk afterwards. The Highland Games were real good. We got there early and watched some of the games, then we went for a wander round Pitlochry and found the dam which was pretty cool. Then we headed back to the games to watch the local heavy weight competition (Salome was keen to see the Caber Toss), then we headed off to the river to have lunch then back to the games for a bit to see some highland dancing. 

After this we went back to the car to drive to Loch Rannoch where we were going for a walk, turned out that although it was only like 15 miles to where we were going cos the road was so narrow and windy it took a lot longer than planned to get there so we had to shorten our walking time. The views were amazing when we finally found the start of the walk, lol it wasn't the walk we planned to do cos we never found that one but still it was good. We did the middle length walk first (meant to take an hour but didn't), then we did some of the longer one. So glad we did as there was a view that was totally worth it, and Salome found a couple of blackberries hehe. 

We then headed to Birnam where we were staying the night. After checking into the hotel and showering we went for a wander into Dunkeld for dinner, it was about a 20min walk so quite nice, the food was also amazing. We both had steak, so much food and so yum. 

The next morning we wandered back to Dunkeld for a walk along the River Tay, it was a lovely walk though in places a bit close to the road so not very peaceful. Missie and I made friends with a black lab at one point and it even waited for us while we stopped and took a photo and made sure we started walking before it continued along (it's owner was ahead of us lol).  We passed by the Dunkeld Cathedral which was by the river and in such a pretty location. No photos cos none could do it justice. 

We then headed for home with a stop at Aberdour Castle along the way. Not the best castle, was nice to be able to wander through it though and see how it was all set out and the grounds were nice. Just not very big, I was expecting bigger cos it was a castle lol. 

Someone is appreciating not traveling by train 

Just chilling 

Pitlochry Highland Games

Couple pics of Pitlochry

Pitlochry Dam

Loch Rannoch walk

We followed the blue track then some of yellow, loved these marker posts :)

Gorgeous view we got on the yellow track

Driving selfie lol

Loch Rannoch at dusk

My bed within 5mins of arriving at hotel lol yup I still have this talent

Dunkeld walk along River Tay
Where our new friend waited for us to take a pic

Our new friend leading the way

Aberdour Castle

Salome in the meat store thing hehe

1 comment:

badad said...

Guess I was a failure as a parent :-)
Maybe if you crash here when you return to NZ its not too late to teach you to be tidy :-p
Worth a try