Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Water of Leith Walkway

First off, the Water of Leith is a river. Ok now I've got that out of the way on Saturday Toni, Missie and I did the Water of Leith Walkway from the Union Canal entrance to Leith (which is a suburb of Edinburgh to some people and its own area on the edge of Edinburgh to others, I say it's a suburb but then I don't live there lol). It was the first time Missie and Toni had met and I'm pleased to say they got on well, which I'm glad cos it's always awkward when your friends don't get along. 

It was a very lovely walk and the only down part was the weather which went from sunny and warm to sunny and hot to rainy and cold to cloudy and warm to rainy and warm to sunny and hot to rainy and warm to cloudy and warm to you get the picture. I did decide Missie needs a raincoat though, she spent some of the walk with me holding her trying to protect her from the rain with my hands cos it was too warm to put my coat on. She ain't so keen on the raincoat idea but she also not like getting wet so who knows what will happen. 

The walk from the canal to the start of Leith was 7 miles according to the signs but I don't think the peps that made them can count cos we went past one that said 3 3/4 miles to go then bit further down we got told we had 4 miles to go, and then near the end got told 3/4 miles to go and the next sign said 1 1/4 miles to go... See total lack of counting skills, but no matter we had fun and ended up walking for around 3.5hrs so were pretty stoked with our effort :) 

Weather packed in when we were finishing so we headed to a pub for a drink, technically we was headed there anyhow the weather just makes a good excuse hehe. 

This is the bridge with the canal on it that we usually run across when running the canal

Couple of selfies

Wouldn't mind one of these houses...

A semi kinda waterfall thing

Nice quote found along the way

We just liked the combination of things for this pic

Deans Village (if I was loaded I'd like to live here)

Made it to the end :)

Relaxing time 

Just incase you was thinking Missie didn't share

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