Saturday, May 28, 2016


Made it to Luxembourg :) later than originally planned but there is a good story behind it...

Got a phone call last night from an unknown number but it came from Amsterdam (or so my phone said), not sure why I picked it up cos normally I wouldn't but something made me. So anyhow turns out they overbooked my original flight so were looking for people to move onto a later flight. Considering my orignal flight had me waking up at 5.30am to get to the airport on time I was keen to change, once I ensured it wasn't a fraud or trick call of course. So instead of flying economy via Amsterdam I flew business class via Frankfurt after a nice sleep-in :) yup we are not complaining :) 

Missie wasn't sure the extra leg room made any difference, I gotta say it was very nice and if I could would be business class for that alone. We also got free food (well not me cos some idiot made me gluten free), and lots of drinks, plus free magazines/newspapers to read. Def was nice travelling up front for once :)  we also treated ourselves to a taxi ride from the airport to the hotel as we weren't sure which bus to take and didn't wanna ruin a pretty decent trip with a wrong bus. 

Missie did sneak onto the flights (she hid in my pocket) cos she was wanted to and assured me she wouldn't get caught, she didn't either so she is very stoked :)

I then met up with Ramona and Remo and went into Luxembourg city centre for dinner and a lil explore :) we ended up eating at a nice something restaurant, think it mighta been French but not 100% sure. The gluten free thing might be a bit of a hassle over here, the waitresses/waiters seem confused when we asked at a few diff places. Oh the joys of travelling with dietary requirements :(

Missie stayed behind to sleep (and it turns out claim the entire bed as hers!!)

Tomorrow evening I shall run/walk and probably hobble/limp my third half marathon. It's def not about doing a great time this time around, more about finishing and still being able to mostly walk ok. 

On the bus to Edinburgh airport, oh Scotland I won't miss your weather this weekend lol

Checking out the view from my room

Missie is ready for bed...

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