Monday, May 30, 2016

Exploring Luxembourg

I wasn't as stiff and sore as I was expecting to be yesterday which was very good, not sure if it was cos I'm fitter than I thought, am getting used to running half marathons or cos when we went for a celebratory drink we ended up dancing which I spose is better for muscles than just lying on a couch lol. 

Eating overseas is a bit of a mission though, we wandered around for an hour before we found somewhere that could feed me, felt a bit sorry for Ramona and Remo as they could have eaten way sooner if I hadn't had been there. After lunch we went on the sightseeing hop on-hop off bus for a trip around the city. It rained pretty much the whole way but was still fun :)

After the bus tour we went back to the hotel for a nap then I said goodbye to Remo and Ramona, Remo had a test this morning so they had to head back yesterday. After they left I finished my nap then Missie and I went out exploring as it had fined up a lil. Had fun just wandering around and discovered that although I wasn't as stiff and sore as expected stairs weren't fun so wasn't 100%. Treated myself to maccas fries cos I could :) they were so worth it :) lol

We then headed back to hotel for an early night as was knackered and had to get up early for flight this morning. We are now at the airport and the flight is delayed due to bad weather in Amsterdam, it's Missie's first experience of delayed flying and turns out she ain't a fan of it. We were gonna have a few hours to explore Amsterdam but now we are unsure if will get the chance. And if it's bad weather we are not sure we want to either. Atlst we don't have a connecting flight we are gonna miss :) we is happy about that lol. 

Missie is all ready for her bus tour 

Random pics from our wander

Random library thing in the middle of a square 

Missie found a friend 

Scary looking drinking fountain

Random window display

Yum looking giant cushions, this ones for you Dons :) 

Big giant park that I dunno what it was called :) 

My treat/cheat :) so yummy :)

Missie's cranky look at the delayed flight

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