Thursday, October 22, 2015

Running adventures

Toni and I did a fun run on Sunday which was pretty cool, it was a colour run so we got dye thrown on us as we ran :) There were 4 colour stations that we ran through along the way as well as dye packs that we got at the start to pre-colour ourselves :) the run was 5km but so didn't feel like that long haha felt like it was over with so quick. 

Am off to Switzerland tomorrow to catch up with Ramona and also run a half marathon over there on Sunday, am looking forward to it heaps :) well minus the getting up at 4.30am, that I'm not looking forward to lol. Will hopefully do a post or two while I'm away but if not will do one on Wednesday when I'm back home :) 

Pics of the fun before we ran :) 

And afterwards lol

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