Saturday, October 24, 2015


Had an awesome day exploring Luzern today. Did a walking tour following a map, mostly cos it had pre-marked on it the things I wanted to see and that Ramona and Remo had recommended, and then just wandered some.  The city is certainly very pretty and I liked that though there were some tourists there wasn't heaps, pretty sure it's to do with the time of year lol. 

Saw Kapellbrucke mit Wasserturm (a bridge with a water tower), Hofkirche (a church), Lowendenkmal (carving of a dying lion in a rock wall), Museggmauer (a big wall with towers, you can walk along some parts and up a few of the tours, got some good photos of Luzern from them), Spreuerbrucke (old wooden bridge with random as paintings in the arches) and Nadelwehr (a dam). Then I wandered the shops and found a cute chocolate shop and got a hot choc made with chocolate flakes (so good) and then some gelato :) 

Took most the pics today on my camera but here are some that I took with my phone:
Luzern from the last tower (technically the first if you do the walk in the direction they suggest lol)

At the bottom of the tower :)

Just a cool doorway I walked past

Luzern from the bridge I had lunch on

My amazing hot choc

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