Monday, October 26, 2015

Main goal accomplished, minor goal not quite

So the main goal was to run 21.1km without stopping :) -DONE :) :) :)

Minor goal was to beat my last time - didnt quite get there. Was 25sec off but you know what I'm still real happy :)

Might need to learn to strap my ankles though, they not very happy at all :( 

So stats for ya: 
Time - 2.13.46
Place in age group - 293
Place overall - 1741
Around 7,000 people did the half so I'm mega stoked :) 

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Had an awesome day exploring Luzern today. Did a walking tour following a map, mostly cos it had pre-marked on it the things I wanted to see and that Ramona and Remo had recommended, and then just wandered some.  The city is certainly very pretty and I liked that though there were some tourists there wasn't heaps, pretty sure it's to do with the time of year lol. 

Saw Kapellbrucke mit Wasserturm (a bridge with a water tower), Hofkirche (a church), Lowendenkmal (carving of a dying lion in a rock wall), Museggmauer (a big wall with towers, you can walk along some parts and up a few of the tours, got some good photos of Luzern from them), Spreuerbrucke (old wooden bridge with random as paintings in the arches) and Nadelwehr (a dam). Then I wandered the shops and found a cute chocolate shop and got a hot choc made with chocolate flakes (so good) and then some gelato :) 

Took most the pics today on my camera but here are some that I took with my phone:
Luzern from the last tower (technically the first if you do the walk in the direction they suggest lol)

At the bottom of the tower :)

Just a cool doorway I walked past

Luzern from the bridge I had lunch on

My amazing hot choc

Friday, October 23, 2015

Almost exploring time

After a long tiring day ystdy Missie and I are both well rested and looking forward to exploring Luzern today :) 
Remo got me some maps and booklets from the tourist center which is awesome and I'm off to do a walking tour of the city, provided I can follow a Swiss map lol. 

Turns out neither Missie or I can read Swiss or Swiss German whichever one this is...

But we managed to figure out which train to get on without having to ask anyone :) 

Some of the pretty scenery we passed...

Hehe there is a town called Zug :)

And this is what we are here for :) well what I'm here for, Missie thinks sleeping in is the saner thing to do 

After a long day bed is what we needed :) 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'm on my way...

Got up before any sane human should have to this morning to get my first flight (got up at 4.30am for those of you who are wondering), and now get to spend hours in London Luton airport waiting for next flight. We did get to see the sunrise from the plane which I think was the universe saying 'sorry we made you get up so early this morning', and it was an apology I accepted :)

Chilling on way to airport and while waiting for boarding 

Chilling on the plane (someone had a nap hehe)

Pretty view

Running adventures

Toni and I did a fun run on Sunday which was pretty cool, it was a colour run so we got dye thrown on us as we ran :) There were 4 colour stations that we ran through along the way as well as dye packs that we got at the start to pre-colour ourselves :) the run was 5km but so didn't feel like that long haha felt like it was over with so quick. 

Am off to Switzerland tomorrow to catch up with Ramona and also run a half marathon over there on Sunday, am looking forward to it heaps :) well minus the getting up at 4.30am, that I'm not looking forward to lol. Will hopefully do a post or two while I'm away but if not will do one on Wednesday when I'm back home :) 

Pics of the fun before we ran :) 

And afterwards lol

Monday, October 12, 2015

My city by night

Just some photos of a few of the cool buildings at night :) they look better in person, obviously, or maybe if I had a better camera could do them more justice but at the moment this is the best I can do :) 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Visitor and general fun

Ramona came to visit last week, was real good to see her again (if you've forgotten or not sure who Ramona is, she lived with me and Bridie last year when she was doing her working holiday in NZ, she's from Switzerland). As she was only here for a couple days and I was working she explored during the day and we hung out in the evenings :) went to Mammas for pizza the first night, yum yum hehe, climbed Arthur's Seat and went to Holyrood 9A for burgers the second night  (burgers there are still awesome) and on the last night just took it easy as Ramona wasn't feeling well and we were both tired and she had to get up at 4.47am for her flight the next morning. 

Over the weekend I didn't get up to much, Saturday I literally stayed in bed reading and watching DVDs till I got up and went for a 17.7km run then pretty much went back to bed lol. Sunday was another chilled out day, started my Christmas pressie shopping and then met up with a friend to see a movie. Sadly Monday came round all too fast :( 

Work is going good, they seem to like me which is cool as I like them :) 

It's slowly getting colder, darker and today it finally rained again :) yay rain lol. Weather people are predicting a bad winter, ie it's meant to snow or something and today the team coach and manager were discussing if we need to come up with a bad weather plan for work (ie who has to still come in and who won't be able to), sadly think I'll have to still go in as I walk in so roads being closed won't affect me. Boo no snow day for Jill :( 

Rest of this week is looking good, meeting up with a couple friends, seeing a couple of movies, brunch and shopping on Saturday and a run at some point in the weekend :)

Some pics from Arthur's Seat