Friday, December 30, 2011

Another year down

Well almost, but I am pretty sure I will make it through tomorrow so am not worried about saying I survived :)

Still no plans for new years, but that is ok, its who you spend it with as much as what you do that matters in my opinion.

2011 has been a good year overall. I got older (seems to happen every year, not quite sure why or how...), my hair had quite a few different styles (like normal), work went well, made soem new friends and met a crazy Irishman (though that is probably how they all are so nothing unusual there).

Hope that you all have a great 2012, I plan to :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

power cut drama

So anyhow there was that major power cut yesterday, which the generator at work failed to come on. not good by the way. and then when the power did come on they learnt that the computer systems were fried and it would be bout hour and half till they were up. got call from lesley this morning sayingthey were still out and not to come to work till 9 as that is when they should be back up. so early finish yesterday and late start today, and some people think karma aint real :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

said i would be better at this...

But turns out im not really. anyhow news from my part of the world is that i am moving to parks admin earlyish in the new year. i am going to be covering for suzy while she is on maturnity leave. am rather excited and have already started training for it which is a nice challenge. was ready for one of those :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Well done Mr. Irish

So David did the round the round the mountain relay solo this weekend. It's only 161kms, as he so put it. He managed to run over 100kms which I think was pretty impressive, he then walked the rest of the way. Took him
just over 24hrs, with no sleep and not much stopping which is also damn impressive I think.

David is now up there with Dofus, they are both mega awesome in my eyes. Though Dofus's awesomeness is ever lasting yet I am pretty sure that David's will fade. Good on him though :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

One down 5 to go

Just submitted my third and last assignment for my first paper towards my Diploma in Library and Information Studies.

Yay me :) :) :)

Only got 5 more papers to do till get my Diploma, starting with paper number two next week :( only get one week off but that is ok.

Still stoked that have finished paper one, fingers crossed that i get good mark on it, but still happy :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

I mean really...

So went to buy the movie He's Just Not That Into You yesterday, which if you are unaware is a M16 movie, and I was ID'd. I mean come on, it wasn't even R just M. And it was 16! I look older than 16 that's for sure. Though I must admit that it gave me and Carolyn a good laugh afterwards :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A girl can dream...

'I want my mortician to lay me out with a gigantic smile on my face. My eyes should be closed, of course, but the grin must be EPIC. I'm not talking about some dinky little shy imitation of a Mona Lisa half-smile. I want a great big honking, crazy-assed-happy, face-splitting, toothy-grin. I would love to know that, at my funeral, not a single person was able to keep a straight face. Even better would be to know that many of them peed there pants laughing.

Now that's a funeral!'

- from Unlucky Stiff by Cynthia Celian

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This is another test

so, found out i can also email through a post, supposedly, so thought would test that one :)

Essay has been completed and submitted :) yay me :)

Now can just enjoy my sunday, without any stress :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

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Welcome back.............. to me :)

so anyway, am back at mum and dads, for the day not moved back, and am meant to be writing an essay and if you know me then you know that this is not gonna happen without a fight so here is me writing on my blog.
somethings never change!

so just written a bunch. yay me lol.
ah the joys of writing an essay on the legislation required in record management, and yes that means i have to read the legislation. oh the fun

any how task two is mostly done :) yay me. only got task one and task three to go.....

wish me luck

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Still not dead....

You know how I said I was gonna keep this updated more often and then didnt, well yeah that would be something I would do and congrats for noticing. If you didnt what are you even doing reading this then????

Do have a semi good reason for not posting stuff often and that is that my new cellphone wont let me and we dont have internet at my flat. So to me that is a good reason and I'm sticking with it.
If you would like more often updates feel free to buy me a new cellphone or pay for internet in our flat, I'm sure carolyn wont mind either :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Green green awesome green, and no I did not scream :)

It turns out that this year green is my accessory colour. Purple is still up there but green is totally making its way up there. And not just any green but Yoshi green (yes he is the N64 character, and he's awesome). Mum just for you he is a lime green colour.

Things I've discovered in the past week:
- Snakes are up there with babies in the something I will never hold unless there is absolutely no way out. Went to a wildlife sanctuary yesterday and they bought out a snake for us to hold. Super super creepy. Carolyn and Jen both held it, but there was no way I was going to, they scare the bejeezes out of me. But I did not scream when the man held it right in front of me.
- I so prefer rollerblading to ice skating.
- Melbourne is far to hot!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Still in Melbourne :)

Nup not home yet, we are still wrecking havoc on the foreign badly accented city that is Melbourne. We are having lots of fun doing lots of shopping and sightseeing.

We went to Weribee Open Zoo yesterday and that was good but kinda a let down too. We went round in the zoo bus to see the animals in the wild-ish bits. They were pretty cool really. Cos it rained part way round we got to see the Rhino's all playful and running around, they apparently like the rain. The Zebra's however don't like the rain and were all sad and droopy headed.
The let down part is that because its an open zoo the animals can go and hide in the back of their pens or round a corner or something. The Cheetahs and Lions were in pens but hiding at the back of them so didn't even really see them.

Went to the Melbourne Zoo as well, that was just like any other zoo really. It was good but the poor animals aren't really free. Got some good photos though, might even post some eventually.

Went to the MCG for a tour the other morning. That was real good to. If there is only one thing that you do in Melbourne I would suggest doing the tour of the MCG and then go to the Melbourne Sports Musuem which is in the MCG. That was awesome fun, there is an interactive section where I learnt:
- I kick better penalty goals with my left foot
- I am actually not to bad at archery
- Suck at running someone out in cricket (so bad that i actually resorted to running up to the stumps just so i would get them out, p.s it was set on super easy)
- I can kick a AFL goal
- Suck at cycling too, me and Carolyn both gave up.

Doing a Phillip Island Penguin Parade tour tomorrow. It should be awesome fun.

Catch you later

Thursday, February 17, 2011

And some people think the Panthers suck!!!

I have total proof that they do not!

Got a Panthers Hoodie from their online store and it is seriously awesome. Only an awesome team could ever make a hoodie that awesome so therefore they must be an awesome team :)
Good logic aye :)

Am currently in Melbourne staying with Jennifer and Kev (Carolyn's sister and Husband). Carolyn and I are over here on a shopping/have fun holiday. We went shopping yesterday and today. Good shops but some are just like home and others are way expensive. Got a nice new coat, a cool dress (coat not black and dress not just black). Also have a cool new handbag and some Yoshi stuff. Love the Yoshi stuff, he super cute, and not black either - if you play N64 you know this that last comment was more for mum :)
Going to the MCG tomorrow. Sadly there will be no Mitchell Johnson, but I will cope.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sometimes it's all just so awesome

You ever wake up and realise that your life is actually rather awesome?

I have.
- My car (Gerty D) is the cutest little car ever
- My work is not really all that bad (even if sometimes it seems it), it pays the bills and my boss and I get on real well
- Our flat is super nice and cossey and we have loads of fun there
- Though many people think this you do not need a guy to be happy.
- Paying off my student loan is so within reach

Life is all good :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dum Dee Dumm....

Everyone (well mostly everyone) always comments on how I always wear black. First off this is a exageration as I quite often wear colour, especially round home, I just wear black more.

I do think that perhaps I have found the reason for this, well other than the fact that black is just better and I am more comfortable in dark colours. I wore a top with red on it to work yesterday and for some reason everyone decided that they would point it out to me. The amount of 'do you know you are wearing colour' and ' wow you've got red on' that I heard was just crazy. Anyone would think that I hadn't ever worn colour of any kind to work (which I have, take Monday for example I had a dark green top on).

The only people that didnt comment (that normally wouldv'e) was Lesley - she is smarter than that - and Matt. Matt I was fully expecting to comment so when he didnt I was rather surprised. His reasons for not commenting however were so not nice, so I am rather annoyed at him, probably more than if he had made some smart comment like I was anticipating.

Yes boys you cannot win with us females. Say something and it could be bad, say nothing and it's worse :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our Christmassy Flat

And yes the decorations are going to stay until they either fade or fall down :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mt Paratutu dawn climb

Climbed Mt Paratutu this morning with Brudda to see the sun rise. So totally worth it (wind was very cold though, so was glad took jersey and wore pants).
Check out some of the photos we took

Saturday, January 1, 2011

haha I'm back!!!!

That's right, I am back again and it's a new year :)

Wahoo 2011 now, and what do you know its the same as 2010 was. Well so far it is.

Anyhow am going to *fingers crossed* be updating this blog again on a semi regular basis so feel free to chack back whenever you feel like it.
New things to note (from last blog all those many months ago), I now live in New Plymouth with Carolyn (my good friend from High School). I work in the filing team at New Plymouth District Council (NPDC) and according to my boss I am never allowed to leave...
The CD's that are stuck in my stereo (cos they are jsut that good that it is hard to take them out) are MCR - Danger Days and Billy Ray Cyrus - Home at Last.
I know have two tattoos, hopefully the first one will be finished off soon, will see how the finances go though.
I hopefully are near to paying off my student loan. Again fingers crossed.
Carolyn and I are going to Melbourne in February for 10 days. Staying with her sister and I hope to catch up with Michelle (she used to work with me at the council) while over there. Oh and shop, shop, shop with some Mini-golf thrown in :)
I am now one of the Guide Leaders of the 9th Inglewood Guides. Shona and I started with around 6 girls in June and when we go back in Feb we will be up to 15. What on earth are we doing right????

There is bound to have been more happen but I cant remember it at the moment.

Enjoy 2011 and catch you all soon